Imagine three Part two. Thomas/reader

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This part again is based in the second film still

Part two to Finding the truth!

Looking around they found them selfs around people they didn't know. Jorge looked at them all she looked at Thomas and raised her eyebrows at him. She looked at the rest of the Glader's.
"I have some questions for you?" Jorge said. They all looked at each other and then at Jorge.
"What questions are they ?" Thomas asked.

"Where are you from?"
"Where are you going?"
"How can I profit?" Jorge asked.

Thomas was taken back by this but looked at her and the rest of them.
"I am Thomas, this is Y/N, Newt, Teresa, and Aris". He said. Pointing at them all.
"Well I didn't ask you,your names but still". Jorge said.
"And the dogs name?" Jorge said.
"Skye". Y/n said. The dog allowed the two girls to touch him. But he stayed by y/n side.

"Ok but you haven't told us where you are from?" Jorge said.
They all looked at one another. Just then one of them puts scanner onto their necks including Y/N.
"Your from wicked?" Jorge Asked. Stepping back from them all.
"We all have escape from wicked. We are looking for the right arms. Do you happen to know where they are hiding?" Thomas said.
"Them things in your neck means wicked can find you anywhere". Jorge said. This made all of them uneasy.

After talking for a while and Jorge finding out how she could profit.

Brenda and Jorge agree to take them to the right arms.  Just as there about to leave, wicked storms the area  but explosions happen which stops Thomas and the others getting court.
Leaving the people behind. Brenda leaves with Thomas.
Y/n with them still scared after the explosion and still not leaving Thomas side. Skye still by her side. As wicked continue there search for them.
They head off to find the right arms. Brenda again looked at the little girl.
"She's coming with us!" Thomas said. Brenda nodded as they made there way to a person they believed to know where the right arms was hiding.
The headed under ground thinking they would be a lot more safer their. The tunnels was smelly and dirty. Y/n felt sick from the smell so covered her nose.

They soon got out of the tunnels and found their selfs somewhere once again they Weren't sure of.

Y/n looked around a lot of people was there. So many people. She became nervous and held onto Thomas arm. Skye by them. The dog could sense something wasn't right and kept to Y/n side.
Walking throw the area keeping an eye on people and looking up to the sky every so often.

They soon came to a man who looked at them both eyeing Y/N who was holding onto Thomas and a dog by her side. He looked at Brenda.
"So who are these people?" He said.
"I'm Thomas. Who are you?" He said.
The man looked at him again. He had a bottle in his hands and gave it to Thomas without saying much. Thomas took the bottle and looked at him.

Thomas drank what was in the bottle. He stood there for a few minutes. When suddenly the room started to go funny. He looked around trying to make out things. Y/N by his side would not drink what was in the bottle. She notice Thomas was swaying from side to side. Brenda took a mouthful of the liquid from the unknown bottle.
She too started to feel it's strange effects within her body.
"What's happening?" Thomas asked. As he walked around trying to make sense of what was happening. His head was spinning. Faces was blurry. This was of course making Y/N scared. Her dog could sense something wasn't right.

Y/N followed Thomas and Brenda into another room. They was swaying from side to side before finally collapsing onto the floor. Y/N and Bonnie stayed with them. Has Y/N did her best to wake them both but couldn't.
She kept looking around she was getting scared as she didn't know what could happen.
Y/N must have fallen a sleep.


They woke to find them self hanging upside down in a place they had no idea where they was.
"Where are we and where is Y/N". Thomas said. As his eyes adjusted to the surroundings they was in. As he looked around for Y/N while hanging upside down.
"I don't know where Y/N is. Where the hell are we and how did we get here?"
" I don't know. But we need to get down and get out of here. All I can remember was being in this place with Brenda I drank something. And here we are ". Thomas said as he kept moving to try and get free from the ropes. The others with him also managed to get free. Once on the ground. Thomas looked around.
"This place feels weird. I can feel Y/N she's scared we need to find her". Thomas said. Walking out and looking around. It was dark and weird.
The others followed him knowing he wasn't going to leave without Y/N.
Thomas soon found Brenda.
"Where is Y/N and where are we?" Thomas said.
Brenda signelled for him to follow her. She walked with him until he was face to face with the man.
"Who are you and why did you give us that drink?" Thomas said.
"I'm Marcus". He said. Thomas was getting annoyed he wanted answers he also wanted to know where Y/N was.
"Ok. Where is Y/N? Who do you work for?" Thomas said.
"I only give them the healthy ones". Marcus said.
"Give who to who-" Thomas stopped and looked at him.
"You work for wicked. Where is Y/N? I swear if you have hurt her". Thomas said.
"No, I haven't her dog wouldn't let anyone near her. She's throw here". Marcus said.
Has Thomas followed him he soon found Y/N.
"Tommy". Y/N cried getting up and running to him. He bent down to hug her as she wrapped her arms around him. Crying.
"I was worried about you". Y/N said.
"SSH it's ok I'm here. I'm ok. Are you ok? They didn't hurt you?" Thomas said. Checking her over to make sure she wasn't hurt.
"No. But they scared me. Who was they? Why would they take others?" Y/N said.
Thomas stood up looking at Marcus. He was fuming with this person for putting himself and his friends in danger.

They just stood there while Marcus spoke. Y/N standing by Thomas. As they all listened to him.
"Well we can't stay here. We are going to find the right arm. We need to keep each other safe". Thomas said.
They all looked at each other.
"The more people we have the more we could stay away from wicked". Thomas said.
They all spoke about how to get there. And the safest way.

After talking for a while. They decided to head out. Making sure they had enough things that they needed. They soon left to find the right arms. Y/N was feeling not well. But she didn't say anything to them has she didn't want to slow them down.
Once it was kind of safe. They left where they was and headed to the mountains.  It was dark and they knew they had to stay together.
Y/N and Skye walked next to Thomas. They talked among there  selfs.
They had been walking for sometime now when they decided to rest for a while. Y/N was getting tired.
One of them was studying her. The looks the person look to Thomas and then to Y/N. But didn't say anything.

Soon they started walking again. Avoiding the cranks as much has possible. And doing there best not to bring unwanted attention to their selfs.
They carried on walking. Skye and Y/N staying close to Thomas. They all talked among their selves again. Wondering what they would find once they got to where they needed to be.
Y/N was starting to feel unwell again. But she didn't want to slow anyone down, so she carried on.

They soon found there selfs somewhere they weren't so sure about. Some people surrounding them all. Thomas pulled Y/N to him and looked at them. There guns pointing at all of them.
"We are looking for the right arms. We was told they was here". Thomas said.
They was told to walk in front of them as they did so. Being taking to somewhere. They all stopped and looked around a lot of people was looking at them.

They was meet by a man named Vince. Who was with the group. Brenda was starting to get worse having been infected a few hours before. Vince pulled a gun out and aimed it at her.
But was soon stopped buy someone who spoke to Thomas.

"Thomas". A voice said. He looked around and saw a women stood in front of him.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now