Imagine Nine. Part five -Thomas/reader

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Thomas and y/n looked at each other. Just has Brenda ran to them. She Newt laying on the floor. Tears in Thomas eyes. She heard Teresa voice again. And looked at them both. Holding the treatment in her hands. She looked down at Newt, tears falling from her eyes as well. Thomas took a few steps back and looked at y/n, he held out his hand to her. Y/n holding her teddy that was still wet from them jumping. She took his hand. She was scared, they both was. Both feeling each other's emotions.
Y/n and Thomas looked at Brenda one more time before walking off in the direction they needed to go in.
Brenda watched them walk away and looked down at Newt.
Thomas playing over in his head what Teresa had said.
"Your blood. It's the reason why Brenda is no longer ill. It's your blood Thomas. It held her". This was playing over and over in his mind. As he and y/n walked back to the centre.
Y/n was puzzled on why Teresa needed her to come back as well. She didn't want to die.
The two walked quietly.
Once inside the building, Jenson as Teresa in a room. Talking to her.

Thomas stood in the hall way with y/n by his side.
He saw Ava looking out of the window. She looked and saw him standing there holding a gun up to her, she walked towards him.
"Is it true? Could I have saved newt?" Thomas said. Tears falling from his eyes. Y/n standing behind him, but she could see Ava.
"Thomas, you can save us all". Ava said.
Thomas took a deep breath and looked at y/n. She could feel his emotions which was overwhelming him. He nodded and lowered the gun. Just has he did a shot ran out. And and blood appeared on avas top. Thomas eyes widen at this as y/n held on to his arm.
He looked up to see Jenson stood there with a smirk on his face.
"Hello again Thomas and y/n". Jenson said. Making Skye growl at him. They spoke and before Thomas knew it. Jenson had injected something into his neck. Knocking him out.  He fall to the floor. Y/n kneeling beside him. Y/n knew not to fight. The guards picked up Thomas and lead y/n into a room away from him.

Not long after Thomas woke up to see Teresa had taken some more blood he was tied to a chair. Jenson was also in the room with them.
"Where is y/n?" Thomas said. Trying to free him self but he couldn't.
Jenson laughed a bit.
"You know your the cure right. We can pick and choose who to save with your blood". Jenson said. Looking at Thomas. This took Teresa but surprise hearing what Jenson was saying.  And this scared her.
Even Thomas wasn't happy about hearing what Jenson was saying.
"Where is y/n?" Thomas said.
"She's ok. In the other room". Teresa said.
"Why the hell did you need both of us for?" Thomas said.
Teresa looked at Him.
"You and y/n. I ran your bloods". Teresa said. Thomas looked at her.
"What is it?" Thomas said.
"The two of you are related". Teresa said.
"What you mean in what way?" Thomas said.
"Brother and sister. You both have the cure in your bloods". Teresa said.
"So what your planning on taking both our bloods. She's just a child". Thomas said.
Jenson looked at Thomas.
"People have to die every day for others to survive". Jenson said.
"Your not taking any thing from y/n". Thomas said.
Thomas started struggling again. Teresa looked at him. Jenson kept talking. Teresa stood up hitting Jenson over the head. He soon fall to the floor. Putting the item down. She untied Thomas. Picking up the cure she as made putting it in her pocket.
"Come on, let's get y/n and get out of here". Teresa said. Helping Thomas stand up. They both walked towards the door. Jenson woke up and saw them firing a shot hitting Thomas. Making him fall to the floor.

This made y/n stand up. His emotions was strong again. Making her feel them. She hated it when she could feel how much he was in pain. She heard the shot so she knew something had happened. But the room she was in the door was locked.

Thomas moved. And sat against something. Teresa was on the floor trying to get away from Jenson. Who was out of it as he was now turning even more into a crank.

Thomas gun shot wound was making him lose blood.
Jenson soon got hold of Teresa and looked at her. He throw her to the floor. Thomas some how managed to stand up, and he throw a chair at Jenson hitting the glass behind him.
"Erm you missed". Jenson said. As the chair went passed him. The glass started cracking.
"I was meant to". Thomas said. Walking back wards. Jenson turned and saw the glass cracking even more. Soon the cranks busted throw the glass attacking Jenson killing him. Thomas walked back wards. Teresa, managed to stop his fall.
"Leave, get y/n and get out of here". Thomas said.
"I'm not leaving you here. Y/n needs you, your all she has". Teresa said.
Thomas looked at her and nodded. He lent on her as she helped him up. Walking out of the room. Leaving things in there. Teresa lead him to the room y/n was in.
Y/n could feel even more of Thomas pain. Teresa managed to open the door. Making y/n look. She saw Thomas and looked at him.
"Come on we are getting out of here. This building isn't going to be standing for much longer". Thomas said.
Y/n followed them helping Thomas as well has she could. Finding the stairs. They couldn't go down so they went up. The building was on fire.

They managed to make it to the top roof. But couldn't see anything there to get them off the roof.
Thomas fall to the ground. Y/n and Teresa looked at him. Teresa taking his hand in his. She gave him the cure she had made.
"I did try". Teresa said.
"I know". Thomas said. Y/n looked away as they kissed.
Soon they heard a noise and looked too see berg. With the rest of them in there. Y/n and Teresa helped Thomas to his feet.
"Y/n go first". Thomas said. Y/n nodded as her and Skye managed to get aboard it.
Thomas was having trouble because of his gun shot wound. They needed to get the berg closer.  Explosion  rang out all over the building. Teresa found the strength and managed to get Thomas on to the berg.
They tried to get Teresa. But the building collapsed, Thomas watched a Teresa fall to her death.
"NO". Thomas screamed.
He watched her until he couldn't see her no more.
Rolling on to his back he lost concussion and closed his eyes. The berg flow away from the building. As the last city burnt to the ground. Y/n holding Thomas hand all the way back to the safe heaven.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now