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𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎✈︎
𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 2021.

|♡𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚢𝚊𝚑-𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊♡|𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎✈︎𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 2021

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So last week like I said I was leaving. I did everything I had to do before I left my dad got his house. He know where me and the kids at.

He the only one that knows where I'm T right now. See me being ah crip. I got ah couple safe/private houses.

Andy hats where we at. And by we I mean all my kids, my brother, my sister, laay, Dell, Bway, and my cousins.

At first I was gone come by myself with just my kids but they said they wanted to come with me. No I wasn't gone leave them to be funny.

I didn't ask them to come with them because they have their own personal lives and I didn't wanna stop them from living their life's.

But yeah they said they wanted to come with me and help me out. Shit I didn't mind so I just let them come with me.

So we all just sitting here. And no we are not in Atlanta no more well for right now. We are actually in LA.

I hope they dumbasses don't try to track cause it ain't gone wait at all. Cause when I bought the kids phone and iPad I block it from being track the only people that can track it is me and my dad.

-two weeks time skip ⏭ -
So it been two since we been up here and i been throwing up for ah week straight if I keep throwing up imma go to the doctors tomorrow I guess. but other then that it's cool asf up here in LA so far.

But Kacey and Kentrell birthdays is coming up. My two February babies.

Oh and I ain't forget bout my oldest two Q and Rich both their birthdays are in December so I got time to see what we gone do for their birthdays.

But yeah so far everything is going good here and shit. Ain't nobody been fucking with me lately and I hope it stay that way.

-the next day⏭-

So like me said if me keep throwing up imma go to the doctor. Imma just pray and hope this nigga ain't give me shit or got me pregnant again.

If he gave me something I swear to my mother the whole road trip/ getting away from everybody thing is over as fuck imma kill em.

And If I'm pregnant again... I ion know how imma feel or deal with it. My family will be happy but I ion know.

But we not gone get into all that until I really know what's going on with me. So imma go to the doctor today. Imma go by myself.

But actually right now I'm heading to the hospital/ doctors office.

-35minutes later⏭-

So right now I'm just pulling up to the doctors office. And I'm kinda scared to go in here but imma do to make sure my body still healthy.

Last night I made an appointment for today. So it won't be that long of ah wait. But right now I'm walking into the doctors.

"Hey, Um I'm here today for ah appointment for Kaniyah Coly. Today to take ah few tests." I told the lady at the front desk.

Then she typed something on her computer and look back up at me. "Oh hello I see it right here you have an appointment to take an pregnancy test and an few other health test." She said.

"Yes ma'am." I reply.

"Okay have an seat at chair three and somebody will be with you shortly." She said with ah smile.

So it's been like two or three minutes.

"Kaniyah Coly." Somebody said from the back and I got up and it was ah man.

So we went to the back into I think it's room 10.

"So first we will take the std test then the pregnancy test." The male doctor told me.

"Okay." I said and he gave me ah cup to piss in. So I went to the bathroom and did what I had to do and he took my cup and went to go run the tests.

-1hour later⏭-

So it's been ah hour and I'm still in the doctors and the doctor is just now coming back and this nigga came in this bitch smiling.

"So Ms.Coly we ran some test and there's isn't no bad news. All your std test came back negative. But your pregnancy test came back positive and your one month bout to be two soon." He said.

What the fuck!!!! This nigga pull out game is weak as fuck I swear to my momma it is!!!! I didn't wanna be pregnant by him again. But imma try to think positive and stay positive this pregnancy.

Imma tell my kids and everybody's who's with me right now first. Then imma call my dad later on tonight. And everybody else will find out later on when I go back home.



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-how ya feel bout this chapter?

-how ya feel bout Killa being pregnant for the fourth time?😗

-how ya feel bout her not telling everybody else but her dad and the people with her now?

-how ya feel bout her being away?

-when should she go back ?

-should she go back before or after her pregnancy is over with?

-leave your thoughts & feelings in comments!

-till next time pooh(s)🧚🏽‍♂️.

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