Chapter 5: Practice Match

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Mafuyu's P.O.V.~

   I'm not sorry to say this at all: our school had so many better looking guys than the ones here. Most of them were mediocre but compared to the ones on our team, they did not stand a chance. There was one spiky black hair guy who did caught my eye, but when we made accidental eye contact, he blushed and quickly looked away. Shoyo had run off to the washroom once more, leaving the rest of us in slight panic mode. We had sent Tanaka-san to go pick him up and he came back with an even more nervous Shoyo.

  "Managers, please do something to calm down his nerves." Daichi-san pleaded Kiyoko-san and me. Kiyoko-san places a hand on Shoyo's shoulder and he jumped a bit in shock.

   "We're counting on you." She looked earnestly at him and Shoyo became a blob on the ground instantly, leaving Daichi-san shaking his head.

   The match began shortly after and honestly, it was just a bit painful to watch. It seemed that Shoyo's nerves has gotten the best of him and he began to go for other people's balls even if he had to go out of the way for it which pissed of Tobio immensely. The score was 24-13, with Shoyo serving. I wasn't sure that this was a good sign and wanted to not watch, but that would be such a terrible manager move. Shoyo was shaking super hard with the volleyball in his hands and I swear, he wasn't breathing because his face was turning white. He hesitantly tossed it up and smacked it super hard, only for it to hit the back of Tobio's head. Time seem to slow down and I can feel the anger coming off of Tobio, even if I wasn't even close to him.

   "Kageyama, don't get mad at him.." Daichi-san puts his hands out in a calm down manner but Tobio didn't say anything and immediately pinned Shoyo against the gymnasium's wall. I quickly went over there to make sure that he wouldn't beat the crap out of him.

   "What are you so scared of? Is it because the opponents are tall? Or is it because it's your first practice match?" Tobio complained. "Whatever it was, it made you smack the ball right at the back of my head.. So what is it?"

   "Nothing in particular.." Shoyo stiffly said and Tobio huffs.

  "Well, nothing should be holding you back now since you did the worst thing you thought was possible." Tobio points at the awaiting court. "Now hurry up and get moving the way you usually do!"

   This was possibly the nicest thing Tobio has done for Shoyo so far. He didn't ask him for forgiveness and he tried to motivate him to play like normally. However, unlike Tobio, Shoyo needed something harsher.

   "Oi, Shoyo. You're being awfully terrible." I said and flicked his forehead. "I'm surprised no one pulled you off the court yet; I'm sure that Daichi-san thought about it but didn't do it."

   "Wh-What?" Shoyo stammered and I continued.

  "Everyone on your side of your net is your comrades." I pointed at the court once more. "It's fine if you mess up because this is a team sport, not a solo-player one."

   With that, I left him alone and went back to my place next to Kiyoko-san, who seemed quite surprised from my outburst. It seemed as if that did the trick because Shoyo was back to normal by the time the second match started. For the first point, Shoyo missed hitting the ball, causing Tobio to apologize which seemed to shock a lot of people. After that, the quick attacks were constant and we managed to secure the set with a win.

  "Is that Mafuyu-chan?" An annoyingly familiar voice asked and I looked up from my clipboard to see my old senpai, Oikawa Tooru. "Oh, it really is you!"

   "Trashkawa." I nodded at him in acknowledgement and he clutches his heart.

   "Why are you still calling me that horrendous nickname?" He whined and I blinked.

  "Because that nickname suits you?"

  "Mafuyu-chan, so mean!" He shook his head. "If only your mouth was as cute as your appearance, you'd have more handsome guys like me after you."

   "Thank God it isn't then." I went to grab the water bottles and passed it out to the team. As much as I make fun of Oikawa, he's honestly a decent guy once you get to know him.. and get over his narcissistic personality. Apparently over the summer, Tobio had went to ask him to teach him how to jump serve, as much as he hated his guts and he surprisingly agreed to his request. 

  With Oikawa on the opposing court and the score being 24-21 with us winning for now, there was a much more menacing presence on the other side of the court, almost overwhelming. Oikawa's serves and tosses were no joke; they were scary accurate, even more accurate than Tobio's. He deliberately aimed at Tsukishima and Hinata because he knew that they were especially vulnerable at receiving. Thankfully, Tsukishima managed to receive one properly, giving the other side of the court a free ball. Oikawa quickly tossed it to the spiky hair boy, who spikes it over, only to be one touched by Shoyo. Tanaka-san got the follow up and hit it towards Tobio, while Shoyo zoomed to the opposite side of the court and managed to spike down the ball onto the floor.       

   There was a brief silence before the bleachers exploded with cheers. I could see everyone happily celebrating and felt a smile on my face. I was proud of the boys, especially Shoyo since he managed to get over his nervousness. I went to go refill some water bottles while the boys went to go get changed.

   "Mafuyu-chan!" Oikawa approached me, with the cute spiky hair boy in tow. "Give me your phone number!"

  "Why? I thought you had it because I didn't change it?" I was confused by his request and he began to rub the back of his neck.

   "It's not for me," he admitted and looked over to the boy behind him. "It's for Iwa-chan because he thought you were cute."

   "Th-That's not true! I mean, it's true but I don't want it to make it seem like I'm a creep.." 'Iwa-chan' sputtered out, making me laugh.

   "Here, give me your phone." I extended my free hand and he placed his phone on it; his long fingers brushing against my skin. I managed to type in my information and phone number and handed it back to him. "Call me anytime, Iwa-chan?"

   "It's Iwazumi.. Iwazumi Hajime." He said and Oikawa began to nudge him, only to get punched on the back of his head. I could hear a loud crack and prayed for Oikawa that his skull wasn't cracked open now.

  "Well, Iwazumi-kun and Trashkawa, I will be taking my leave." I grabbed the filled water bottles. "Take care, alright?"

  "See ya!" Oikawa waved and I heard another loud crack while walking away. "That hurts, Iwa-chan!"

  "Shut up, Trashkawa!"

  "Not you too!"


I feel super lazy when it comes to writing about things that happens in matches.. I'll re-edit this chapter whenever I have time.

  Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and hope to see y'all in the next one as well~!^.^*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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