Chapter 4: Positions

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Mafuyu's P.O.V~

It's been a few days since the match and it seemed that Tobio and Hinata had gotten on better terms. I've also became friends with Shouyo as well, and he's just the cutest ray of sunshine. He was sometimes as awkward as Tobio, but his laughter could really bring someone up, even when they feel like crap. I've also became friends with the other members of the Volleyball club and got introduced to another second year, Ennoshita Chikara. He wasn't there during the practice match (which he apologized) but seemed like the older brother type. My duties as a manager was similar to my experience back in middle school, which I was severely grateful now for getting pushed so much back then by the coach.

Today is the day where everyone would finally get their jerseys and positions for the upcoming match. I was off on the side, next to Kiyoko-san who looked a bit nervous about the outcome.

"I think we'll go with this." Daichi-san said and flips the whiteboard he was drawing on for the past few minutes. It seemed that they put Tobio as the setter, with Shouyo and Tsukishima-kun as the middle blockers. The attackers were to be Daichi-san, Tanaka-san and Ennoshita-san. Poor Yamaguchi was the only first year who wasn't allowed to play in the first match as an official starter, which he looked quite upset due to that. "We want to use Hinata and Kageyama as a set and Tsukishima's height would be an advantage that we want to take.

"Why are we putting Hinata in a position where height is important then?" Tanaka-san asked.

"He is to be the absolute strongest 'decoy'!" Tobio points at Shouyo, who seemed super hyped about it.

"The strongest decoy!" He cheered. "Ooh?! Oooh.."

He began to mope on the floor. "That's kinda disappointing."

"How is that disappointing?" Kageyama argued. "You scoring with a quick set would get the blockers focusing on you! And when they do, we will use the other spikers to score points. Like no matter how many tall guys like Tsukishima out there, they'll still get caught up with your movements like idiots."

That really seemed to cheer Shouyo up. "That'd be awesome!"

"Did you just call Tsukki an idiot?" Yamaguchi asked angrily but Tsukishima did not seemed bothered at all.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi.."

"Sorry, Tsukki!"

"But seriously, you'd need to think that if the other attacks fails, it'd be your fault." Tobio added on, causing his mood to fall once more. You could clearly see the scenarios going through Shouyou's head, with his face turning ghastly white and him beginning to tremble.

"Hold it, don't put so much pressure on him!" Daichi-san snapped at Tobio. "Look what you've done to him!"

"End.. Failure.." Hinata began to repeat those two words over and over again; his eyes clearly not focused on what was going on around him.

"But how is he going to pull off the blocking if that's one of the most important factors of the position?" Tanaka-san was still confused. "No matter how high he can jumped, compared to tall people, it'll take him longer to reach his highest point and he'd end up blocking too late."

"Hinata's blocking will be based on him touching the spike, rather than knocking it down." Tobio explained. "With his idiotic speed, he'll be able to weaken the spike and then we can begin a counter attack after that."

"But there's no way he could do that immediately." Tanaka-san protested, actually looking worried.

"He doesn't have to.. At least to start with." Daichi-san said. "We don't know if it's going to go smoothly and the other team is probably going to judge us for it but if we give it a try, we'd know if it'll work or not. It's also a 'practice' match."

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