Chapter 2: First Day at Karasuno

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Mafuyu's P.O.V.~

"Mafuyu-Chan, are we in the same class?" Kageyama-Kun squints at the huge board in front of us while I tried to tip toe to see over the heads of the many new freshmen in order to see the board in general. "I think we are?"

"You're asking someone who clearly can't see the board." I pouted, finally giving up on looking at the board. "I'll just wait till everyone moves away to see it then."

   "You can't see the board because you're short." He smirked. "You better thank your lucky stars that we don't even have class today, otherwise, you'd be so late."

  "Won't you be late too?" I gasped. "Unless.. You're thinking about ditching me!"

  "Yeah, I was so what are you going to do about it" He smiled cheekily. Kageyama-Kun had gotten so tall over the summer that I found it completely unfair since I haven't grown since eighth grade. I'm sure he would've been super popular if he didn't have such a crappy personality at times. Like, he's super nice to me, but with others, he's a complete jerk sometimes that even I feel embarrassed to even say that I know him. "I also heard that the Volleyball Club here started taking applications today."

   "You're so joining the team, aren't you?" I said, still awaiting for the people to move out of the way so I could see what class I'm in. "I don't really want to join the Volleyball Club this time..."

   "Mafuyu-Chan, are you kidding me?" Kageyama gave me a disappointed look. "You're telling me that I spent all last year trying to convince you to join the same school as me just so we can go be on the same team again FOR NOTHING?"

   "I mean, at least I'm at this school." I laughed. "Yeah, of course I'll join the team, as long as they're still hiring managers."

    "If they knew how talented you are, I'm sure they wouldn't let such a talented person leave." He patted my head. "Also, you're in the same class as me so I'll pick you up tomorrow morning in front of the gates so we can go to class together."

   "Oh, great!" I exclaimed. "So I guess that we are going to go look for the gym now right?"

   "I already know where it is." Kageyama pointed at the large building beside the school. "Can't you tell by the exterior?"

    "Uhhh, my eyes aren't as good as yours." I gripped the sleeve of his button up shirt. "Let's go there then."

     The gym was empty when we arrived, but the volleyball nets were still up as well as some spare volleyballs were still in their cage. Kageyama set his stuff by the door and grabbed a sign up sheet, quickly filling it in then shoving it into his pant's pocket. He then went to the volleyball's cage and proceeded testing out the volleyball's air as I stood awkwardly next to his bag. To be honest, I would stop Kageyama from playing with the balls just because I'm not sure if we're even allowed to be here right now or touch the equipment without permission but it's so hard to get through Kageyama's thick skull. I flipped open my cellphone and was about to play a game on it in order to distract myself, but within the split second I wasn't looking around, someone started yelling right next to me, causing me to jump in surprise.

    "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" A familiar looking boy with orange hair yelled at Kageyama while pointing at him, causing Kageyama to drop the volleyball he was holding in shock.

   "You're... Last year's..." It was clear that Kageyama did not remember this boy but it was nice to see that he made an effort to remember. "I don't know your name.."

   "Huh?! My name is Hinata Shouyou!" The boy seemed shocked that Kageyama didn't remember him. "You better remember it! But you might not really remember it cause my team lost to you in the first round."

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