Apology of Absence and Spoof

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Hello, FanWings and WoFles!! I deeply apologize for my absence these past couple weeks. I've been having a bit of writer's block and for winter break I've been down south at my grandparent's house. 

Without my computer. 

I completely forgot to sign off or even say "yo but like lol I'ma be gone for a while see ya" so I understand that a lot of people seem to think that I'm dead. Anyways, I promised a spoof as well, so:

The Worst of Everyone 
Starring: The Quartz Winglet!!

Bumblebee: *screaming "SNUDOO" at the top of her lungs for no reason*

Glace: *growling and hissing at everyone and generally being a jerk*

Cherry: *babbling random crap which may or may not have secret meanings and hints to your future*

Bake: *setting things on fire with Undertow whilst making high-quality pottery at the same time*

Peacemaker: *obsessively shoveling strawberries into his mouth*

Firefly: *jumping into mystery holes and getting herself killed*

Hourglass: *sitting in the corner quietly*

Undertow: *smashing things and screaming battle cries at the moon*

Mercurial: *wishing he could be as calm as Hourglass when in reality he is*

Cliff: *loudly playing annoying music*

Random and Somewhat Terrifying Dragon: *dismembers insects with zen music playing in the background*

A/N because we always need an A/N: Thank you for not giving up on this story just yet! I know that none of you have actually met any of these beautiful demented little children yet, but I'm sure you'll soon learn to love all of them! Until next time, 

- Gala

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