The Beginning

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Hello!!! I'm going to start doing this little fanfic about how Bakugou and Kirishima started dating. Hope you like it <3

Bakugou's POV

It was a peaceful night, for the first time since we all moved the fucking extras were sleeping early and quietly. They were always on the first floor doing noice and being annoying. But this time no, this time all was silence and tranquility, but for some reason I couldn't sleep, now I couldn't sleep without their annoying noice or maybe it was something else, that boy that kept me away from focusing in class. Yeah, it was that.

I moved again and again trying to find the perfect position to sleep or maybe I was just fighting against my thoughts, I wanted him out of my mind as soon as possible. It was a splendid night to sleep without any noise or hassle, I was finally able to have a perfect sleep without any bother, but I couldn't stop thinking about him, his eyes, his hair, the color of his eyes and hair, his muscular body and the way he make me feel. Unfortunately I was in love with him.

— Arhhhh! -I yelled, without knowing I might wake up someone.

I covered myself with the blanket and started floundering, I dig my face into the pillow right next to me and screamed.

— I like him, I like that asshole! -I needed to get it all out.

I wasn't being myself, I was acting like a stupid teenager that fell in love, I couldn't believe it, I didn't wanted to believe it. I needed air, I was suffocating myself with that useless pillow and maybe that was the reason I couldn't sleep and think straight.

I get up with a slow and sloppily move, I felt tired, I walked trough my room, it was dark but I knew were everything was so I couldn't trip with something. I looked trough the curtains, it was a lovely night, the stars looked shiny. I hesitate to open the door, but I did it, I reposed on the cold railing and looked up to the sky. A cold breeze gave me chills, but for some reason meanwhile I were thinking about Kirishima I didn't feel the coldness of that beautiful night, it was the love protecting me from the cold. I watch the stars, there were so many of them, all shiny and distant, beautiful and hot, just like him. The peaceful night calm me down, my mind was in peace, even though I was thinking about him, for the first time I didn't wanted to hold back my feelings, just embrace them and understand them.

Why was I in love of Kirishima? It was easy, not only knowing the answer, being with him, talking to him. Whenever I was with him I felt comfortable, more calm and extremely happy I also felt a kind of flame burning brighter inside me, even when he was being stupid or funny I liked to spend time with him and I liked every part of him and I wanted to know all of him. And now, what did I wanted from him? Nothing? Or the thing we had now? Or maybe, everything? That was a hard question, the question that kept me awake this evening. I was so confused, one part of me wanted to be away from him and escape from my dumb and new feelings, other wanted to stay the same way being friends and enjoying time together without changing anything of our friendship and our dynamic, and everything, I really wanted everything with him, I wanted to hold his hand, hug him, kiss him and knowing a different part of him. I was in love with him and I wanted to spend more time with him, get to know him better than anyone else and be his favorite person, he inspired me to be better as person and as a hero. What I was going to do with my feelings?

I looked the sky once more and I knew exactly what I was going to do. If I avoid them I will end up exploding in one point and it will be bad for everyone, for me, for everyone around me and for Kirishima, I will end everything we have, screaming and pushing him away, I didn't wanted that. If we stay the same I will be unhappy knowing I will never have him the way I wanted and at some point I will started pushing him away. So my only option was letting my feelings blossom and tell him how I felt eventually, maybe I will also push him away and I will end up being miserable, or he will pretend nothing happen and we will stay the same, me being miserable or maybe he will correspond my feelings and we will be happy together. If that happened I will be so glad and lucky to have someone like Kirishima next to me, but what are the chances he liked someone like me or that if we were a couple things will work out, I was a mess and he, he was perfect.

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