The Answer

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Hey!!!! Another part and I also have some sad announcements, but first the cute shit or maybe not cute shit, I don't know XD

Kirishima's POV

— I like you -he blushed- and I want us to be more than friends and more than we are now, what do you say?

That was real, that moment was real, not just another fantasy, he was finally asking me to be his boyfriend. My heart stopped but felt so good, my whole body got chills and I wanted to move all over the place. But instead I tried to calm myself down and I opened my mouth to give him and answered.

— Ahk... I... -my mouth couldn't cooperate, I was so nervous , I say something senseless and blushed.

— What does that mean!? -he yelled furious and red, I didn't knew if it was because he was mad or something else.

— I... -I took a depth breathe to calm myself down- yes!

I lastly said to him, I was so happy this moment was happening, the other things were also awesome but I wasn't sure it was real. But now it all was and better that I have ever imagined and he had finally admit it completely and was thinking about something serious with me, I was so happy.

I ran to him, I hugged him and I carry him, I was so happy, I spin him and he got mad, hitting my head.

— Shitty Hair!!! Put me down!!! -he screamed panicked.

— I'm so happy

I continued spinning him in the air, when his punches were way to harsh I put him down and without thinking I kissed him. Me pressing his lips into mines felt so good, so safe and I was even more happy now. I touched his tiny waist a pull him closer to me as he grabbed my uniform coat with strength.

I was in the clouds closing my eyes happily until he impromptu pushed me.

— Asshole!!! -he yelled as he pulled me away.

Why was he yelling at me? I thought it was okey, I thought we will be boyfriends now, I thought we will kiss and hold hands like couples do. Why? Why was he acting like this? I knew he was rude, but, why now?

— I'm sorry! -I pulled away and bend down.

— Arg! -he complained- don't be sorry is my fault -he rest his head on his fingertips like if he were disappointed with himself.

— No! I should have asked, kissing someone without consent isn't manly -but then I remember our first kiss, he had kissed me without my consent. I panicked- but is alright, is fine if we both like each other and we do but, why is bad now? -I scratch my head.

— Stop! -he hold my shoulders- this is going way to fast

— It is? Ahahah -I was panicking a lot.

— Look... -his voice was relaxed or frustrated, I couldn't tell- we took everything way to fast and wrong

— You thinks is wrong? -my mind was spinning.

— Yes, well no, kinda. Just shut up and let me explain... -now I knew he was frustrated for my fault.

— O-okey... -I was so confused, he told me he wanted to be more than friends but know he said it was wrong.

— I like you and you like me -I nodded- the date was a prove of that, but then everything got complicated because we couldn't talk to each other and I was an asshole and avoided you because I didn't want you to see the fucking horrible part of me -he pressed my shoulders.

— But I like...

— Shh! -he shut me up- let me continue, then today we set things more clearly about everything

— Yes... -I was still confused, what was the point of this?

— And that is why I ask you to be my... boyfriend -he looked uncomfortable saying that, why?

— You did... but if don't want to be -I was feeling bad and I knew I was doing a puppy face.

— Don't interrupt me! -he opened his eyes and put more pressure on my shoulders again.

— Sorry... -I felt like a five year old.

— I want to be your boyfriend... but

Why but? Why? He wasn't sure about his feelings, maybe he didn't like getting all handy and kissing, nothing make sense.

— I have never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend -he looked embarrassed- you were my first kiss and my first love...

I wasn't expecting that, he, someone super strong, handsome and intelligent, never had someone to love? Why did he choose me? I was pathetic, weak and barely a men. Why was he in love with me? And what was the point of all of this? Just say it already.

— I thought I didn't need anyone to succeed or the be the best hero, but when I met you, you were a bug, a hassle

— Shit -I think out loud.

— Hahah yeah but -he smiled- your stupid and dumb attitude started to be... acceptable? Good -he corrected himself, I smiled- and I realized that I wanted to be by your side everyday, because you make me happy, you helped me socialize and be more chill and you make me see my mistakes, how I can be a better person and is all thanks to you -his grip was less harsh.

— Bakugou... -he light me up.

— But...

Again that annoying but.

— When you rescue me and you tried to hold my hand, I didn't want anyone else to see, especially that stupid Deku, I don't know if I am gay or if I like labels, I just know that we took this way to fast and now I want to take my time to know what I want with you

That was the but, he basically explained he wanted to have a relationship with me but he wanted to hide it from everyone.

Am I okey with that? I was sure I wanted to be with him, it was one of my dreams and goals, but I also knew how it was to be on a secret relationship, it was horrible, childish and dumb. I didn't wanted that, I wanted to be with him really, but, I wouldn't handle another secret relationship.

— So what you want is a secret relationship? -I needed to be sure what was the thing he wanted.

— Yes... you want to be with me like that?

I put aside his grip, the sun was almost fading and missing from sight on the city, I knew what I wanted and I wouldn't let that go. I walk to the sun and looked at him directly on his beautiful red eyes.

I really like him, and I knew nothing would change that, not even a secret relationship or his messy attitude.

I was ready for what will come next. I stretched myself to hold his hand and told him my answer.

— No

That's is all!!!! I'm so sorry about the ending of this chapter, that it was too short and the bad news I have.

My classes started and I can't post new chapters often like now, I will probably post every week or two weeks or maybe I won't have a specific day to post. I'm so sorry, now I will have to make you wait. Anyway I will try to post when I can 7w7

I hope you like this chapter and I'm also sorry because it was too short 7w7

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