What Bakugou Felt

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Hi!!! Here is a new chapter!!! I feel terrible because I can't bring you new chapters like I used to do. But I'm trying my best. Hope you like it ♥️

—    No

I was in shock, I was lost, I have fallen, all the sudden my body was gone. Were my legs shaking? My heart wasn't, it stopped and it ached.

I was right, all the bad things I have imagined where here, killing me slowly and I had a this emotion, I never felt this way before, I was sad? What was wrong with me? I wanted to cry for some simple words that you learn when you're just a toddler. And my thoughts were just like toddlers.

I imagined millions of things, first that he said it was all a joke and he will laugh And show his beautiful, white and spiky tooth. Then he will lean close to me, rest this head on my shoulder and say with his kind and cute voice.

—    I was just joking -he will smile.

—    You... -I will say filled by anger and the warmth of his love.

Even though he gave me a heart attack I will be so happy at that moment and I wouldn't be mad at him.

—    Of course I want to be your boyfriend, explosion boy -he will joke once more, making me smile.

—    The only reason I'm not blowing your face off at this moment is because you're my boyfriend now -he will giggle- and I don't want to have a boyfriend with the face burned

—    Hahahaha -I will be able to treasure that wonderful laugh for the rest of my life- I'd like to see you try

—    I will beat your ass up -I said challenging him.

—    Hey! Let's not start our relationship with a fight

—    I'm sorry

In my imagination I was able to feel sorry for my attitude and I was more kind with those I loved.

—    I care about you and I want to make things right

—    You're so considerate Bakugou

—    I'm because of you -I will look into his eyes.

Sparkles will flew around us and a massive explosion will be the scene of our first kiss as a couple.

The end of scenario one.

After daydreaming for a second I realized I needed to go back to reality and accept his stupid joke.

I looked at him with my hopes back, but what I saw was pain. He was looking down, his face contorted doing this killing grievous face. He wasn't joking, this was serious and I had been rejected by Kirishima.

Once again I was devastated, I lost him. I couldn't believe I imagined he would want someone like me as his boyfriend. Even though he say he was in love with me he didn't want to handle my horrible attitude. Who would? I am such a bastard and a horrible person and he, he is so good, he is so nice and cheery with everyone and everyone loves him. Why someone that nice be with me?

—    Bakugou -he said, I closed my eyes when he said my name with that sad tone, I didn't wanted to see what will come next.

But I needed to think carefully what I was going to do next, those words that could be so simple, were also so meaningful. The thing I will say next would define if something of our friendship will last and I needed to be extra careful with my words, but like always I just wanted to blow up.

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