Dane and Emery: 3 Years On

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Dane and Emery: 3 Years On

Before the alarm starts blasting out, Emery shuts it off. She rolls out of her boyfriend's hold and smiles at the sight of her soul-mate in his deep slumber. The poor thing had been exhausted yesterday-it had been the 2 year anniversary of the opening of the club and he'd had to stay until the very end, not to mention having to spend the entire day organizing the event. She had thankfully been let off the hook, considering she has a 10am lecture today.
Since starting college, she's been a lot happier. Much, much happier than she had been in high school but that's also partly due to Dane. She's sure she couldn't have done it without his support and help. Just as he couldn't have opened the Carter BDSM club without her help. They'd spent the summer, redecorating and organizing the club that his parents had bought for him, along with the assistance of Adrian via Skype. It's a perfect location, just far enough from the campus so that she can drive in meaning that Dane and Emery can officially live together.
A stressful even that should have no doubt put a strain on their relationship but has in-fact done the exact opposite. The ability of having someone there to talk to after a stressful day of college or for him a stressful night is monumental.
It has been bliss-it is bliss and Emery couldn't be more thankful. And now, at their 3-year anniversary, she intends to show him how grateful she is for him.

Not this morning though-tonight. She pecks his cheek and starts her morning routine leaving him to catch up on his sleep. After all, neither of them will be getting much sleep tonight.

His turquoise green eyes flicker to the clock, noting it's now 3.30pm. If her 2pm lecture has ended on time then she should be here soon. He knows she likes flowers but he's gets them for her so often, he hopes she doesn't grow sick of them. Although this time, instead of the typical red roses, he's gone for bright yellow ones. Perky, bright, colourful just like her. He can't believe it's been 3 years now and they both feel just as strongly and passionately about each other as they did at the start. He still fantasizes about her naked and bound with that beautiful blush coating her cheeks. And she still blushes at his words and thoughts. All that's changed is they've grown up more as the situation has called for it. And that positive change is all they could have hoped for.

As soon as Emery enters, she sees him stood with a bouquet of heavenly scented yellow roses and that grin on her face stretches even more.
"Happy anniversary Honey Bee," he mutters opening his arms wide and allowing her to tackle him into a tight embrace.
"Happy anniversary, Dane," she responds pulling back slightly to kiss him hard.
He responds with just as much vigor but pulls back before it can turn into something more. He does want that but not right now. Not until he's given her the gift he's been anxiously bearing.
Emery lets slip a small frustrated growl, only to have him softly chuckle at her.
"Not yet, baby. I have something else for you."

She takes the flowers from him and follows at his heels as he strides into the bedroom. Placing the bouquet down momentarily onto the side table, she takes the box and envelope with curiosity. It's far too big to be jewelry and there's nothing she can remember in particular she'd hinted at wanting. Slowly she tears back the paper and gasps at the contents.
"No way! Dane! Thank you-this is perfect!" she squeals gazing at the hardback books. Sylvia Plath has to be one of her favourite authors and that's definitely evidenced by her previous tatty copy of The Bell Jar, Emery owns. But now, not only does she have a new copy of it but she also has Ariel and a collection of Plath's poems.
"I'm glad you like it. Now open the envelope," he smiles.

Doing as he dutifully asks, out slides two concert tickets.
"Taylor Swift? Dane..." drawls Emery completely astounded, "this is way too much."
"Baby, it's fine. Just as long as you don't expect me to go with you," he mutters causing her to burst into giggles. Although he doesn't mind the pop music she likes, he'd still rather not go to an oestrogen filled pit to listen to it.
"Great. Oh and I booked us-"
"Woah, hold on there. I still haven't given you my present," she grins completely taking him by shock. He hadn't expected her to get him anything. Not unless it was her in some sexy lingerie. They both know that's his favourite kind of gift from her.

But this time it's not that. Instead she rifles through the top drawer of her wardrobe to pull out the poster.
"What is-Holy Shit!"
The paper almost falls between his fingers before he grips it again.
"It's signed...It's he-How the hell did you manage to get Matthew Strattford's autograph?!" he cries in astonishment.
Emery laughs at his stunned expression-she's thrilled he's pleased.
"You like it?"
"Like it?!"
With his other hand, he draws her close and presses a solid kiss onto her lips.
"Emery, this is incredible. But seriously-how?"
"Ryan used to play at Georgia with him but he got injured. They still keep in touch though. I just exchanged a few shifts in return."
Ryan is the owner of the bookstore, Emery works at and for some reason Dane completely and utterly hates him. And though Emery has to admit that Ryan can be a little bit of a douchebag he's not too bad.

Upon hearing Ryan's name, Dane grimaces and considers rejecting the autograph but...his love for the QB wins out.
"Thanks baby...this-this is incredible," he sighs still stunned.

Emery grins wildly. This is the first time- so far- she's managed to get him a present he really loves. And she's glad. After all the thoughtful things he does for her, it's the least she can do.
"You're welcome," she blushes.

"You know the restaurant's only booked for 7. That means we have..." he gazes up at the wall clock, "about 2 hours before we need to get going. What do you want to do?"
His wolfish grin instantly indicates to her the direction of his thoughts.
She slowly trails over to the bed and turns, giving him a shy smile of her own.
"I have a few ideas."
He walks over to her, placing the poster down on the table before taking her in his arms.
"I wouldn't expect any less from an English major," he teases, "so let's hear them, genius."

She crawls her hand under his shirt, feeling the hard abdominal muscles there. They'd only been growing since leaving high-school and now...phew.
"Well,I could tell you...but I'd rather show you."

His lips latch to her neck as he pushes them onto the bed. Toppling back onto the mattress with Dane, Emery bursts into laughter.
"God, I love you, Honey Bee," he groans into her hair.
She runs her hand through his thick hair and biting her lip.
"Love you too, baby."

A/n This is just a quick one-I know. I am going to do them in the order of the books with some of the smaller characters. So next up will be a Tory&James one. 

P.s. Image from 

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