Eli and Ivy: 3's a crowd

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Eli and Ivy: 3's a crowd

Woah, dizzy.

Ivy blinks her eyes, shaking off the fuzziness from her mind as she straightens. It's lunch time and that means lunch time rush. Her stomach cramps slightly and she places her palm to it willing it to quieten. She was in such a rush this morning, getting all the necessary documents ready for the upcoming health inspection that she'd totally skipped breakfast. And now with this crowd it appears she'll be skipping lunch too.

It's not a new concept for her but even she recognizes she's not exactly a teenager anymore and her body definitely is starting to protest the abuse. Her eyes dart to the clock, the hands reading 1.34pm causing her to internally groan. Great at least another hour and a half to go until all this dies down and she can scarf down something.

Ivy drops the food off for one of the many customers, forcing on a smile before heading back to the kitchen to grab another order. Out of the sight of the customers, she digs in her apron for some sort of snack. Usually she'll have one of those kids sized candy bars buried in there but apparently not today. Sighing, she picks up the next tables order and gets back to work.

Finally, at around 3 there are enough patrons around that her new waitress can deal with them herself. Ivy grips the counter as another wave of dizziness and nausea hits her. Oh fúck she really should eat and drink something. It takes her more than a minute this time to shake off the feeling. Promising her body that she's just about to give it what it needs, Ivy pushes off ready to head for the kitchen in search of a specialty Frank sandwich as a treat for holding up so well. 

Only just as she enters the kitchen, her body decides it's had enough and with that she crumples to the ground, the faint sounds of those in the kitchen calling her name as darkness clouds her senses.

With a grumble and groan, Ivy fades into the present. Her eyes squinting at the harsh lights as she starts to recognize the throbbing bruises from her fall from grace."Jesus Christ girl, don't scare an old man like that!"She glances across to the paternal figure holding her upright, hard face etched with concern.

"Sorry Frank," mutters Ivy still fighting for vision.
"What the hell happened? Here drink some water. Slowly, now."
She takes tiny sips from the bottle, feeling slightly better already."I don't know. I think I just haven't eaten enough today-"
"For God's sake Ivy-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know."

She takes another sip of water, gathering her strength. Slowly pulling out of Frank's hold, Ivy uses her palms to push off and rise from the floor. Only she gets about half way up before another wave of vertigo hits her and she's stumbling back down. Thankfully this time, there's someone there to catch her.

"That's it. You're going to the doctors!" booms Frank.
"No, no, I'm fine! Honestly, I'll just sit down for a bit and I'll be okay. No need for doctors," argues Ivy.
Frank's grip on her tightens as his jaw sets firmly.
"Either you let me take you to the hospital or I call your husband and let him take it from there."

Ivy's button nose flares at the threat. Eli's at work now and unlike her she's not his own boss meaning he can't just dodge out of work whenever he wants. Although, saying that, sure they are lenient seeing as he mainly works on a computer so can work from anywhere with WiFi access. Although it's not just that. If he came he'd be stupidly stubborn and over protective. He would probably insist on a full MRI scan and workup. At least with Frank she has some wiggle room.

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