A Study of Charlotte

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A Study of Charlotte

Her auburn hair blows in the wind as she sips the piping hot latte. The fall air is crisp but she doesn't mind, not with the sight of the white domed building before her. Her first lecture of the bright beautiful day. Some say the transition from high-school to college is hard but for Charlotte it's been the best transition of her life. No more whiny little tweens or nagging teachers and...no more Dane Carter. That chapter in her life is finally closed and it will never be opened again. In fact, the whole high-school chapter is over. She's a college woman now and she's going to make the most out of it.
So far...it's going as planned.
She's already been initiated into Kappa Nu-the hottest sorority on campus and had her Freshmen 15-15 fresh men in her bed that is. And everything is back on track.

Well...that is until some lanky asshole crashes into her.

"Ugh. Watch where you're going big-foot," she snorts uprighting herself on her heels.
The tall, curly, dark haired guy snorts back in retort and pushes up his black-rimmed hipster glasses. That trend is so over now (not that Charlotte ever liked it in the first place), but he clearly hasn't gotten that message since he's also wearing an awful plaid shirt and still has stubble over his cheeks.
Men are clean-shaven, sharply dressed and apologize to a lady when they crash into one. And this guy...is a boy. Or rather by the looks of it-a man-child.

As she looks up to actually notice him, she realizes that she does know this wannabe hipster loser. Well...kind of. He was definitely in her dorm before she moved into Kappa Nu. And judging by the looks of him, he's probably still there, talking to his internet 'friends' every night and jerking off to some cartoon chick on his computer games.

"Please, if you'd get your head out of the clouds, you'd realize it was you who walked into me," he retorts.

Charlotte shoots the guy a glare before sliding past him. Rude and weird-what a winning combination. Not.

"Hey, Your Highness, you dropped this!"
Charlotte spins around just as the guy hands her the pen that has fallen out of her bag.
She glowers at him spitefully, to which he responds with an eye roll, before snatching the pen. Their fingertips linger a fraction too long, the short contact, sending a sense of familiarity and interest through both of their systems. It's with utter horror they realize what that spark is.

 "No way!" gasps Charlotte.

And just as things are going great-life just has to be a bitch. Her soul-mate is not supposed to be this tall, pale freak who can't even dress right. No, she's not even supposed to find her mate in college. This isn't how it's supposed to be! She's meant to go through college having non-committal relationships, then graduate with a law degree, then start working in commercial law and then find her soul-mate who is meant to be a hot, young junior partner to a similar (but not rival) law firm. Ugh!

"No," groans the guy as well, "how is it that I end up with someone so vapid and catty as you?"
"It's not a great deal for me either," she snaps back giving him the assessment up and down.
Okay...so maybe his face has some potential. He does have nice skin and despite his nose being a little large, his lips are...kissable-ish.
"Fine. Then there's one thing we agree on," he flatly states, "you go on your way, I go on mine. This never happened."
Charlotte raises one eyebrow coolly smirking as she says, "gladly."

For the most part, ignoring 'that guy' is easy enough. Although, now that she's aware of him, he's everywhere she looks. And despite her previous assessment, he actually does have friends. One or two times, they'd accidentally catch each other's gazes, that would turn into heated, glares of hatred. Thankfully, for the most part, Charlotte has not given him much more thought.

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