Family Affairs: 1

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Family Affairs: 1

"I brought pie!"
They can certainly smell that as Ivy enters the steaming kitchen. They'd all been given tasks by the master chef-Rachel-however once Mason added chili powder instead of paprika, she'd shoved all the men out of the kitchen. It's a good thing too because without the constant pecks and odd gropes, they are back on schedule.
"Thank you, honey! Come on in and put it down...wherever there's space," calls Rachel twisting around from basting the turkey.
Ivy does as she asks before patting down her hair, "yeah, sorry we're late...You know Eli."
Her cheeks redden at the slight lie. Truthfully, they're hold up wasn't just Eli's fault; after all, it takes two to tango.
Katy misses it as she's in discussion with Rachel about the food while Emery is lost in her own world. But Sam...simply smirks raising her eyebrows in acknowledgement of not missing Ivy's disheveled hair and slightly rumpled clothes.

"Sure 'Eli'," mumbles Sam causing Ivy to nudge her in the sides.

With so many helpers the work is quickly done, enough for Rachel to send the girls out of the kitchen to allow the last few items to cook. Katy insists on staying behind which isn't surprising since she and Rachel is definitely the closest of the girls. A good deal for the others since it's not their ear Rachel is talking off.

It's quite a scene Rachel walks into as she walks into the lounge to get help setting the table. There's Emery resting on the floor with her back against the couch as she's lost in some book; Sam, Adrian, Eli and Dane on the couch, watching the game. Ivy is curled up in the loveseat as she seems to be playing a game on her phone. Rachel gazes around searching for her husband but he's not there.

Rachel jumps slightly in shock before easing back into Zach's arms.
"Yeah..." she sighs, "Just..."
"Enjoying the scene?" he fills in.
Rachel spins around in his arms grinning up at him. Strange as it is, he's only got better with age, much more handsome, like George Clooney. His hair is a dark grey colour but his eyes are as bright and young as the day they first met in that grocery store.
"Yes well it would be better with an...additional generation."

 Zach can only laugh at that, "careful, I wouldn't mention that to them just yet."
No, she won't mention it to them outright but she can always...drop hints. After all, they do need to remember they won't be young forever.

It's late afternoon when they all manage to assemble themselves around the long table. It's a rare occasion for Rachel to be able to make full use of the ornate table so now; it is decorated to the max. But it certainly is hard to quite the diverse rabble of people she calls family. Perhaps she is overcompensating a little...but she certainly would not change it now.

"Can we eat? I'm starving-"
"Tinks we stopped for brunch literally 2 hours ago!"

Zach glances across at Rachel as the bickering and banter continues, to which she only smirks at. He returns it before standing up and raising his glass.
"Okay, okay, settle down family," he calls tapping his glass with his fork bringing silence to the place, "thank you all for coming, let's eat."
"Woah! Woah hold up! What about giving thanks dad?" cries Eli.
It's not a tradition they generally participate in. The whole public announcement of giving thanks to every single thing in their lives seems like a wasteful ordeal to Zach. There's a lot they have to be grateful for and it's a private matter that doesn't need announcing to everyone. After all, actions speak louder than words and Zach would rather his sons be humble in their mannerisms than stating some superficial statement once a year for the sake of appearances.

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