LBLC: Drugs? #2

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Anywho! Lets see what the Loud blondes are up to.





There was an uproar of confused, concern and curiosity to how in the 5 W's did this come to pass. Their wonderfully stupid partners had found a way to illegally sell megaphones, Bombs and speakers through an underground network of underlings in the last 3 hours. They were sold to blondes only and it just so happens that Shigiraki encountered a very loud and drunk blonde trying to sell these particular items. The blonde had told Shiggy everything as he was very much convinced he was also blonde at the time, this lead to him calling Dabi about it and eventually the loud panicked announcement. 

Aizawa paced around the room. All eyes on him.

"I didn't think this would be happening so soon...."  He locked eyes with the flaky villain " Were gonna need to call in the big guns..."


Now he was leading the large group through the halls of UA, Leading an army.

"But Mr.Aizawa its just some underground business! why so serious!?" 

"You need to understand... If Loud Blondes realise the influential power they posses the balance between Peace and war will be broken,"

Aizawa was light on his feat, retracing the steps he had sluggishly trudged the morning prior, breath shallow and heart thumping like a drum .He took lefts, right and even a weird tunnel eventually, reaching a large metal door, entering the code 'PROBLEM_SPOUSES101' on the small keypad beside it. The door creaked open as the tired teacher ushered his fellow members through the steel doorway presenting a large room.

The room had a light grey walls, and hard stone floors. There were 3 long wooden tables on the left with storage lined underneath labelled alphabetically, On the other side were sparring mats with racks of weapons lined along the wall. On the back wall there were big glass double doors that were locked shut, on the other side of the transparent doors were walls filled with costumes, fabrics and accesories .

"Welcome, To the LB-LAB. The Loud Blonde Lovers Army Base"

𒊹︎︎︎𒊹︎︎︎AIZAWA 𒊹︎︎︎𒊹︎︎︎

Only an had hour passed and everyone had gotten to work. I had a 3 groups of people making bait in the form of snacks, toys and other necessities. I entrusted a few people with the keys to the walk in closet so they could alter and fit costumes and weapons and Lastly on the mats I was in charge of the flimsy ones....

Midoryia Inko

Bakugo Masaru

Tamaki Amijiki


All the above still were still learning how to handle their loud blondes  (some in more PG ways) an the fact that they couldn't help manage their lovers behaviour meant that they were weak.

"Hear We have Kirishima," I held up a picture of Kirishima.

 "He is an expert at handling loud blondes."


Kirishima Eijirou

Quirk: hardening (=3=)

Skill: Handling loud blondes

Loud Blonde Companion(s): Bakugo, Kaminari 


"He specialises in bringing loud blondes to new environments smoothly, This is also why he became closer to bakugo Katsuki, This technique will work best for Bakugo Masaru, So you will be going through a collection of 'Bakusquad' Videos where Kirishima calms Bakugo down so you in, Red Riot terms,  Man up "

Masaru sheepishly took a box of confiscated phones labelled 'Problem children 8-12' and began looking through the box of phones ranging to Bright pink flip phones to a pikachu plush with a phone on its stomach, clearly the self proclaimed Bakusquad didn't share enough braincells to be able to hide their phones properly in class.

 "Next! Midoriya Inko," I take out a flash card "You are all about women's empowerment but you need to harness it and make it? sparkles shine Sparkles.... say in energetic tone of voice." I threw the coloured piece of paper. "Anyway you will watch some midnight, Mirko and mt. Lady tiktoks so you get your uuuh... mojo back,"

"Haii!" Ms.Midoryia was very much excited unlike her son who had been eavesdropping from the wall of weapons.  

"Dabi.... You are going to read fluff, watch cartoons, and have a swear jar until you stop being horny and ill mannered, Basically have the childhood you never had." There wasn't much of a reaction other than an eye roll but his aura changed from one of an annoyed caterpillar to a content crocodile.

There was an abrupt knock on the door followed by a long silence. Who could be at this time? It was nearing to midnight and No one could possibly get into UA at a time like this, not without some sort of pass.

Aizawa stared at the heavy metal blocking the entrance, he did a small signal with his fingers triggering everyone to put on noise cancelling headphones and hold up a small present as if it was an exorcism.

Reluctant. Curios. Prepared.

Aizawa nudged the door, putting his head sightly out of the protective room.

"Stand Down Guys! Its not a loud blonde,"

Everyone let out a breathe they didn't realise they were holding in (A/N: cliché sentence check!!!) as the Teacher widened the door to reveal 4 new faces.

"You called?,"

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