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Mina's POV.

These people just came in and wants Y/n. She was still thinking though, because if she doesn't go, I will die.

Y/n: "Why don't Mina just join us? The more people the better right?"
Girl 2: "We just said we don't need her-
Y/n: "And I need her. We both go or else you guys can get outta here."
Guy: "That leaves us no choice."

One of the guys were about to stab me with his spear when Y/n stood in front of me and snatched the spear. She kicked the guy's knee so he fell and held the spear above his head.

Y/n: "I'll give you options, you take us both or your little buddy here dies and so do all of you. And right now, I'm fine with either one."

Guy 2: "Woah, we don't want trouble Y/n."
Y/n: "Don't talk like you know me."
Girl: "Alright, we'll take both of you just don't kill him."
Y/n: "No sketchy shit, you give us our privacy and we'll give you yours. Got it?"
Girl 2: "Yes, now let him go."

Y/n let the guy go and threw him his spear back.

Guy: "Don't scuff the shirt."
Y/n: "You're gonna die anyways, I wouldn't worry about a dirty shirt. C'mon Mina."

We grabbed our things and walked with them.

Mina: "You guys seem to know our names, what about you guys?"
Girl 2: "I'm Kim Jisoo, the other girl is Soyeon, that dude goes by BM, and the other guy is IM."
Y/n: "Y'all really have stage names?"
IM: "Changkyun is my real name, Im is my last name but I like to go by IM."
BM: "Mathew Kim."
Mina: "Oh, alright."

Y/n: "Why did you guys kidnap us again?"
Soyeon: "You're pretty good at killing people, of course we want that."
Y/n: "Ah."
Soyeon: "Why? You don't want to join us? Then just tell me so I can kill you."
She walked ahead of us and into the woods.
Jisoo: "Don't mind her, she's trying to find her lover."
Mina: "Is she in the games?"
IM: "Nope, she's a mentor I think."
BM: "I think her name was Song Yuqi or something like that."

That's when I looked at Y/n because she froze.

Jisoo: "What's wrong?"
Y/n: "I think Soyeon...should stop looking for her."
IM: "Why?"
Y/n: "I'm gonna go try to get something for us to eat."

Y/n jogged farther ahead of us.

Then we heard Y/n scream ahead of the trail and Soyeon came out of the woods and ran after her as we followed.

Soyeon's POV.

I bolted towards Y/n to see her surrounded by three people. I threw my machete into one of their bodies and grabbed my knives attached to my waist. I threw it at the girl who was about to punch Y/n and it went into her eyes as she stumbled and fell. I looked at the last girl holding Y/n.

Girl: "Huh, you come closer and she dies-

I threw my last knife at her arm around Y/n's neck and Y/n twisted the girls arm before breaking it. I went over and stomped her head, she died. I looked at Y/n and she had a cut on the side of her cheek.

Soyeon: "Tsk. So annoying, come here."

I pulled her to sit on a log and started cleaning her wound with the things in my bag. I put a bandaid on it when the others came running behind.

Mina: "Woah."
BM: "Damn, Y/n and Soyeon are such badasses!"
Jisoo: "You guys good?"
Soyeon: "Obviously."
Y/n: "Let's set up came up more, there's a small river running through there."
Soyeon: "How do you know that?"
Y/n: "I saw it when those bitches snatched me. Thanks for helping me out Soyeon."

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