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Mina's POV.

Y/n: "Okay. This time, I'll really die in the arena then."

I squeezed her hand under the table and she stopped talking. That's when I looked at Nayeon and Y/n with an annoyed face.

Mina: "Can you two shut up? I'm trying to eat in peace here."
Nayeon: "Yeah, tell your friend here to shut it."
Mina: "You're the one with a mouth that doesn't know when to shut up."
I rolled my eyes and went back to eating.

Nayeon: "Mina, are you and Y/n still together?"
Mina: "What do you think?"
Nayeon: "Hm, I think you two split up but still love each other."
Y/n: "Good job, you got it."
She said with a bored expression.
Nayeon: "So, are you guys gonna act like a couple in the arena then? Put on a little show for the audience?"
Y/n: "Will you guys choose to save me or your sister Mina?"
Nayeon: "That's for us to know and you to find out little one."
Mina: "Well then you'll also find out in the arena about us."
Nayeon: "I'll be looking forward to it."
She stared at me dead in the eyes, but I didn't look away from her either. The tension in the air was rising and Y/n could feel it too.

Y/n: "Can we go to the training rooms now?"
Nayeon: "Sure."
Y/n: "Come with me."
Nayeon: "Okay-
Y/n: "Not you, Mina. Why would I want to go with you? C'mon cutie."
She pulled my hand and we left the room. Y/n took us to an empty hall. I was kinda pissed off.
Mina: "Why did you pull me out? I wasn't done staring her down yet-
Y/n: "That's the problem Mina!"
I looked at her confused still.

Mina: "What are you talking about?"
Y/n: "You're arguing with her and it's just firing her up more. She wants me and you're making her thirst for me even more."
She sighed and held my hands.
Y/n: "I only want you okay? I don't want people fighting over me because it should only be you who wants me."
Mina: "Baby, you know I'm fighting for you too."
Y/n: "I know babe. I'm just tired of this shit."
Mina: "Come here."

I reached for her neck and pulled her close, meeting our lips together. Y/n pushed me against the wall and I laughed before pushing her away gently.

Mina: "Stop it, we had our fun last night already."
Y/n: "Okay, fine. I wanna see you shoot your bow in the practice room."
Mina: "And I wanna see you throw your spears too. Then maybe tonight..."
I traced my hands up her neck and onto her lips. I ran my thumb over her lips.
Mina: "You could hit me with your spear."
Her eyes darkened with a sparkle of lust, then quickly went away.
Y/n: "S-Stop playing me Mina. Let's go, I want to practice."
She started walking away when I pulled her arm back and now she was against the wall, under me.

Mina: "Shh, who said we were done?"
I was getting closer and closer to her again when people walked passed the hall.

Y/n quickly dropped down and started tying my shoelaces which happened to be untied right when Jihyo came into the hall.

Jihyo: "And what are you two doing alone over here?"
Y/n got back up again while putting an arm around me.

Y/n: "And how did you know we were over here? Stalker much?"
Jihyo: *scoffs* "Like I would waste my time watching you-
Mina: "That's literally what you do Jihyo, all the time."
Jihyo: "Well, I'm not gonna be watching you anymore. I'll try to keep you both alive during the games."

She crossed her arms and we looked at her confused.

Y/n: "And why both of us? Change of heart?"
She sighed and uncrossed her arms.
Jihyo: "Because you looked at me with love that night Y/n. It made me realize what we were doing to you, we're torturing you because we can't find someone like you to be with. And I finally saw it that night, you'll always choose Mina over us. You two were meant to be and we're just fucking it up for you two. I really am sorry Y/n and Mina. In return, I'll work something out and make sure you both come
out alive. After this game, you don't have to see me or the others again. I'm deeply sorry again you two. I'll try to keep the others off you Y/n, thanks for showing me something I didn't know."

She bowed and walked away.

Y/n: "Is she being serious?"
Mina: "I think she is."
I watched her walk until she turned the corner.
Mina: "Jihyo's eyes, it's not darkened with whatever was there before. It's more soft and caring."
Y/n: "Your eyes are like that too."
I looked at her.
Mina: "What do you mean?"
She laughed.

Y/n: "When you first pulled me to 'talk' in the hallway, your eyes weren't so loving and gentle. It was cold, hard, rude looking, and filled with lust. Like you knew what love was but didn't know how to show it. Which you were and I loved, but after I kissed you before leaving the building, your eyes turned to real love and knocked some sense into you."
Mina: "I was rude and cold to you?"
Y/n: "N-No! That's not what I mean! Your eyes looked like that, not gonna lie I kinda miss those eyes. But I love your eyes even more now. Especially when you cry because your tears look like diamonds when they fall and you look cute. Actually you're cute all the time Mina."

She quickly kissed me as I was still thinking and ran away. I came back to my senses and chased after her.

Mina: "Hey! I didn't get to kiss you back you troll!"
Y/n: "Catch me if you can you slow ass!"

We zoomed through the halls and into the training rooms. Y/n went into the locker rooms and I went in after her. She was hiding in one of the aisles of lockers so I walked through each one.

Mina: "Come out you little shit."

Then, a locker popped open and Y/n wrapped me in a tight hug before showering me with kisses.

Mina: "S-Stop!"
Y/n: "No!"
She kissed my neck and that's when I broke out of her grasp and pushed her against the lockers.
Mina: "My turn."
Y/n: "Mina someone's coming-
Mina: "Liar."
Y/n: "I'm serious!"
She grabbed my arm and ran the opposite way of the footsteps. We hid in a locker big enough for both of us, I could feel Y/n breathing on my neck.

Chaeyoung: "You saw them come in here?"
Dahyun: "Yeah, they're in here somewhere."
Jihyo: "They're probably training already. Let's go look for them out there."

The two sighed and followed Jihyo. That's when Y/n kicked the locker open and we ran out.

Y/n: "Let's go see you shoot your bow."


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