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Leaves crunched under Kageyama's feet. In his arms laid Kenma's deceased corpse, cold as ice now. The forest around the two was cold, damp, and dark. The perfect place for Kageyama's plan. His eyes scanned the area before he found the spot. He dropped Kenma's body with a huff and slung off the bag he had been carrying on his shoulders. Unzipping the bag, he pulled out the necessities. Rope and a letter. Many didn't know this, but Kageyama was excellent at forgery. He scaled the tree, climbing until he reached a high enough branch. After tying one end of the rope securely around the branch, he climbed down. He took the free end of the rope and tied it into a noose. He bent down and carefully leaned Kenma's body against his own. He heaved Kenma's body up a bit so it would reach the rope. Once he successfully did so, Kageyama slipped the noose around Kenma's pale neck. After tightening the noose, he quickly let go and stepped away from Kenma's body. The rope swayed, as did Kenma's body. Kageyama stared for minutes. Chuckles escaped his lips and they slowly grew louder. He quickly silenced himself when he heard voices. Kageyama scooped up his bag and gripped the letter he forged. He slipped the letter into Kenma's still clenched hand before running away as quiet as possible.

The next day at school, an assembly was called. As all the students of Karasuno filed into the gym, they all had confused faces. Once they were all seated, the principal began to speak.

"Students...the topic that we are informing you all about is not for the faint of heart. A very tragic event has taken place. We, Karasuno, have been informed that Kenma Kozume from Nekoma was found dead. It is suspected that he committed suicide due to how his body was discovered."

"NO! GOD PLEASE NO! DON'T LET IT BE TRUE! NOT HIM! NOT KENMA! A-ANYONE BU-BUT KENMA!" A frantic voice screamed. Said voice belonged to Hinata. Gasps rang out and heads hung down low. Sugawara quickly stood up and draped an arm over Hinata's shaking shoulders.

"No! N-No...not...not...my Kenma…"

Sugawara led him away and out of the gym. The rest of the students had gone silent. The principal lowered his head before speaking again.

"We, Karasuno, have decided to have two days off of school to commemorate the loss of Nekoma's student and volleyball team's setter. If you would all proceed to line up when your class is called and walk to the front of the school. We will be informing parents shortly."

Once all classes were called and had gathered outside, Sugawara and Hinata finally returned. Hinata was still shaking, salty tears rolling down his cheeks. He choked back sobs and covered his mouth to conceal them. The team gathered around to either hug him or give him encouraging words and I'm sorry(s). Even Tsukishima patted Hinata's shoulder and mumbled words of encouragement. Kageyama walked over and rubbed Hinata's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Hinata. Really...I am."

Hinata sniffed and looked up, rubbing his tears away. "T-thanks, Kageyama. I... I'm going to go now. I need some space."

The team, including Kags, nodded. They bid him goodbye before they all walked home as well.

Once Hinata returned home, his mom immediately stood up from her place on the couch.

"Oh, Shoyo. I heard what happened. I'm so sorry, darling." She said with sincerity. She hugged her son, Natsu hugging them both a few seconds later. Hinata's body shook violently as he sobbed into his mother's shoulder.
Soon, Hinata let go and asked to be excused to his room. His mother nodded sadly. He walked up to his room and sat down on his bed. He stared at the wall for a good thirty minutes before he blinked back some excess tears and looked around. He picked up a plushie Kenma had gotten him. It was a crow with cat ears. Kenma had said it reminded him of their teams. Hinata stared at it, and unlike he did with Kageyama's, he hugged it tightly and cried. He just cried. He cried himself to sleep that night as well. He didn't even have the energy to get up the next morning. He only got up for food, to go to the bathroom, and when Kuroo came over. Kuroo didn't look too good himself. His eyes, like Hinata's, were red and puffy. His black hair was a mess and unkept. They sat in silence for a while before Hinata gave Kuroo a hug. They both shed a few tears.
After Kuroo had left, Hinata received a text from Yachi. She asked him if he was alright, to which he replied with a no. She responded, "Let's hang out tomorrow, okay? We can talk about some things." Hinata told her that he would and that he'd meet her at her house. They told each other a goodbye. Hinata let out a shaky sigh and hugged the plushie once more.

"....I love you, Kenma. I always will…."

I would like to add that the idea for this chapter came from KagehinaForLifuu
Thank you for suggesting this! I really enjoyed writing it!

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