[Chapter Nine] - Hand Holding

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The Ferris Wheel seemed to go on forever. Kageyama's hands gripped onto the railing tightly as he kept his eyes locked on Yachi and Hinata. He was furious. Once the ride came to an end, Kageyama hopped out of the cart, running to the last place he saw the two.

Damnit, where did they go? The raven haired boy thought.

Suddenly, he saw a flash of bright orange. He turned and saw Hinata and Yachi over by a game stand. It was one of those games where if you won, you got a goldfish as a prize. He stood there, watching the two as they took turns trying to win. Hinata laughed every time he missed a bottle and he would clap every time Yachi managed to get a ring around the neck of a bottle. The stand owner smiled as he announced that they had won. Hinata jumped up and down excitedly as the owner asked which fish they wanted.

"Hinata! Look at that one! It's fins look like fluffy hair! Like yours!" Yachi said, pointing to one of the goldfish.

Hinata stared at the fish in awe before he nodded.

"That one!"

The owner smiled and picked up the bag containing the fish. He handed it to Hinata carefully. He then handed Yachi a bag which held food and vitamins. The two teenagers thanked the owner and made their way to their next destination. Kageyama snapped out of his gaze and quickly followed them, stopping beside another stand as the two stopped to get a snack from a food truck. Yachi looked around for a moment before she tugged on Hinata's sleeve.

"Hey, I'm going to the restroom. I'll be right back!"

The tangerine haired boy nodded happily, "Alright! I'll get us some nachos to share!"

The blonde smiled and thanked her friend before walking in the direction of the restroom building. Kageyama's eyes followed her. She would be alone..or at least away from Hinata. This was perfect. Before he thought much about it, his feet were already carrying him in the direction of the restrooms. He couldn't just barge in...even if he was planning to do something cruel...he still had the decency to not barge into the women's restroom. He looked around. Maybe he could hide in the gender neutral restroom that was sandwiched between the two other rooms. No..he wouldn't know if it was Yachi walking out or not. He sighed and decided his best bet was to stand off to the side. He could just call Yachi over, maybe strike up a quick conversation. Then he could ask her to help him find something and lead her away. She was so naive and clueless, it was almost too easy. His ears perked up when he heard the door open. He looked over, hoping to see the blonde. It seemed the odds were in his favor. He approached Yachi quickly.

"Hey, Yachi? Nice running into you here."

The shorter girl paused and turned to the setter. She flashed him a smile and waved, walking back over towards him.

"Hey, Kageyama-san! How're you?"

The boy shrugged, "Oh, I'm doing pretty good. I was wondering if you could help me find something? I dropped a bracelet my sister gave me, and I can't seem to find it."

Yachi's eyes widened, "Oh, yeah, of course! Where did you drop it?"

Kageyama smiled. "Over here, follow me."

He led Yachi over to a semi secluded spot. It wasn't too suspicious though, it's where many people had picnics, but since it was getting darker, no one was really around.

"It's somewhere around here," he said.

Yachi hummed and lowered her gaze to the ground, looking around. She always wanted to help a friend out. She looked around for a while, not noticing the raven haired boy slowly creeping up behind her. It wasn't until she get hands around her throat that she began to panic.

"Gah-! Kag...gh..Yama.."

Kageyama squeezed her throat tightly, a blank stare on his face.

And then she went limp.

Kageyama sighed. He didn't kill her then. He just made her lose consciousness. He wiped some sweat from his brow before he leaned down and picked up Yachi's limp body. He held her bridal style, placing her jacket over her as a blanket. He quickly pulled his phone out and texted his mom and that he wasn't feeling well and he would have his friend walk him home. His mom responded with a quick "stay safe, I love you". He smiled and placed his phone away, hoisting Yachi's body up a bit more before he began to walk through a gate leading out of the carnival. He walked down the side of the road, running a few times to get farther away from the carnival. A few wanders asked why he was holding her, but he played it off as she was his girlfriend and she had fallen asleep. They didn't question it.

A few minutes passed before Kageyama arrived back at his house. He debated where he should placed Yachi. He thought about the basement, but there was no way her screams wouldn't attract the attention of Kageyama's mom and/or sister. Then it hit him. The shed in the back. His dad had made it soundproof, mostly so no one would hear the irritating sound of the saw. What a coincidence. Both the soundproofing and the saw were both things that Kageyama needed. He carried Yachi to the backyard, laying her down for a moment to unlock to latch on the shed door. He dragged her in and propped her up against the wall. He looked around and spotted some discarded, rusted lines of chain. He picked them up and wrapped them around the girl's ankles. He secured them with a padlock his dad used to keep people out of the shed before he replaced it for a latch. Glancing over, he made sure the shed door was closed firmly. He sighed and stood up, turning towards the bookshelf type organizer bolted to the wall. He scanned over the shelves before he picked up the one tool he needed.

The saw.

He snatched up the cord to it and crouched down to plug it into the outlet. He turned it on once and then hurriedly turned it off. Silence. No one had heard anything. With a smile, he kneeled back down beside Yachi's body and turned the saw back on. Grabbing one of her arms, he sprawled it out so it laid beside her. Slowly, he brought the saw down onto her wrist. A series of cracks and snaps rang out before he moved on to the other wrist. Once he finished, he turned the saw off and cleaned it off with an old rag. Placing the saw back onto the shelf. He picked up the two dismembered hands. He held them for a moment before he tossed them back down beside her body. She hadn't woken up, which sorta surprised Kageyama. He didn't even use any medicine or drugs. He shrugged and opened the shed door, closing and locking it behind him. He walked to the back door and opened it, using the spare key, and hurried up to his room. He stripped off all of his clothes. He hid them in the back of his closet and rushed to the bathroom, taking one of the quickest showers he had ever taken in his life. Once he dried off, he put on some clean clothes and closed his bedroom door, flopping back onto his bed and taking a deep breath. This was getting tiring. But it was all for Hinata. His beloved Hinata.

Meanwhile, a certain tangerine haired boy was walking around the carnival, holding a plate of cold nachos and a goldfish in a bag.

"Yachi? Yachi!"

He kept calling out. Soon enough, he sighed and looked down at the goldfish, who just stared back at him.

"Guess it's just you and me now, Shoyou Jr."

The goldfish only blinked. Hinata sighed and sat down, eating the cold nachos by himself. If only he knew.

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