1:: In Bloom

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As Sakura walked through the village, the brisk air hit her face, her hair now blowing into her eyes. With a huff, Sakura pushed the hair out of her eyes.

"I really should get a haircut sometime soon, huh?" She thought aloud, rubbing a strand of her pink hair between two fingers.

How long has it been since I last cut my hair? She wondered. Oh.. that's right. It was that day..

Sakura's pace slowed and her eyes lowered to the ground in front of her.

That day when I was totally useless.. and couldn't even protect my comrades.

"Ha," Sakura let out a quick laugh, "I'm being weird getting all depressed over that silly thing from way back when."

Sakura quickly shook her head, putting on a carefree smile and taking a firm step foreword. Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, Sakura continued on her path home.

"I'm home!" Sakura yelled as she made her way through the front door of her apartment.

No response.

"Ahh that's right.. Mom did say that she would be out this evening," Sakura remembered, "And I think Dad said he had something to do too."

Sakura sighed, taking her shoes off and lining them up neatly by the door. I guess I've got the apartment to myself tonight, she thought, making her way over to the couch. Plopping down on one of the cushions, Sakura reached for the remote and turned on the tv.

Ahh, there's nothing good on..

Just then, Sakura heard a knock on her front door.

"Who could that be?" She wondered.

The knocking only continued, this time louder and faster.

"Just a minute!" She yelled, rushing to the door.

"God I swear if this is Naruto.." Sakura mumbled under her breath as she opened the door.

Sakura looked up, a light blush forming across her cheeks.

"Oh, Ino.. it's you."

"Haha like omg I thought you'd never answer!" Ino laughed, one hand on her hip and the other scratching her cheek.

"Well you only gave me about 2 seconds, geez.." Sakura pouted, looking away.

Sakura couldn't help but notice the pretty yellow sundress that Ino had on, and the pink flower that adorned her hair. Her eyes traced over the yellow tulip designs that covered the dress.

"Oh you like my look today?" Ino asked, doing a twirl in her dress.

"Yeah well I mean.." Sakura trailed off.

Why did Ino have to show up now of all times, Sakura thought, Right when I have my day off she has to barge in.

"So I was wondering if you'd help me with a little favor," Ino asked, turning the charm on.

"Ahh what is it this time?" Sakura slumped over, the life draining out of her body.

"Gosh rude! You could at least help me with this one thing," Ino huffed.

"Let's at least step outside or something first.." Sakura said, looking back up at Ino.

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