5:: Two Hearts

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"Wow! That yukata really suits you, Sakura! You look really pretty!"

"Oh um... thanks, Ino," Sakura blushed, looking down at her yukata.

Sakura's was pink and had lots of cherry blossom designs covering the whole thing.

"Yours is pretty too, Ino."

Ino's was purple with lots of white flowers on branches that were covering the kimono.

"So.. should we go in now?" Ino asked, grabbing Sakura's hand.

Sakura's face immediately lit up red as she looked down at their interlocked hands.

"Umm.. yeah.." Sakura nervously laughed, "Yeah let's go in."

Today sure went by quick, Sakura thought. Even after spending the whole day with Ino it still feels like we've only hung out for an hour or two.

The two made their way past a large crowd of people and had to walk a little bit further. Then, they finally made it to where the entrance of the festival was. Looking up to the night sky, Sakura could have sworn she saw a shooting star.

As they walked in, Ino let go of Sakura's hand.

"Wow.." Sakura said as she looked around at all of the colorful lights and the bustling people gathered around the stands.

"Wow.. so pretty.." Ino echoed, looking around at the festival. As Ino was scanning the crowd, she picked out a certain spiky-haired blonde.

"Ah! Look it's Naruto!" Ino noticed, "Naruto! Hey, it's us!"

Suddenly, the blonde made his way over to the two with a giant smile on his face.

"Ino, Sakura-chan! I didn't know you two were coming," Naruto exclaimed.

"Yeah. We thought we'd just stop by, y'know," Ino said, casually.

"I'm so glad you're here, Sakura! I was honestly getting a little bored hanging out with just Neji and Bushy Brow over there," He whispered, pointing over in the direction of the two.

"Hey what about me??" Ino asked, punching Naruto in the side.

"Yeah yeah, I'm glad you're here too Ino.." Naruto rolled his eyes.

"So.. is Sasuke here yet?" Sakura asked, knowing that the question must be the only thing on Ino's mind right now.

"Oh yeah, I'm not sure. I haven't seen him or Kiba yet. They're the only too guys left I didn't see."

"What about Shino?" Sakura asked.

"Huh? Shino? Who was that again..?" Naruto asked, confused.

Ino and Sakura's bodies both slumped over, the life draining out of them.

"You're kidding, right?" They both asked.

"Omg are you guys okay?? Are you dead?!" Naruto asked, running over to them.

"No, you idiot," Ino said, regaining her posture only to slap the sense back into Naruto.

"Hey what was that for?! Why are all the girls always so violently with me?" Naruto cried.

Sakura laughed.

"Hey don't laugh at me, Sakura!" He pouted.

Of course Naruto is being an idiot as always.. Sakura shook her head mentally. I don't know what Hinata sees in him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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