2:: A Little Crush

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"Well, that'll be all for today Sakura."

"Okay. Thank you, Lady Tsunade. So do you think we'll meet up again after tomorrow's mission?" Sakura asked.

"Oh, no need to worry about that actually," Tsunade remembered, turning back around in her chair to face Sakura. "I don't expect you to be going on any missions for the rest of the week."

"Oh?" Sakura asked, confused.

Tsunade let out a little laugh, taking out a pen to begin filling out some paperwork in front of her. "You've been working so hard on your missions lately and well.." Tsunade looked back up at Sakura, "Seeing as it's Valentines' Day tomorrow, I thought I'd give you some time off." Tsunade gave a little suggestive wink.

"Oh..." Sakura stumbled.

"No need to be embarrassed, Sakura," Tsunade laughed, "I know there has to be some guy out there that you might have your sights on. Enjoy your time off and have fun."

"Um yeah.." Sakura put on an awkward smile, eyes closed.

Making her way out the doors of Tsunade's office, Sakura let out a sigh of relief.

Wow that was awkward, she thought, Though I do get a week off.. so I guess that's a giant plus. Now I'll finally have some time for my-

"Heyy!! Sakura what a coincidence!"

Oh right.. how could I forget..

"Ahh.. Ino.." Sakura forced a smile, scratching the back of her head.

Please go away, please go away, please go away.

Ino ran over to Sakura from across the hall with a giant grin across her face.

"What are you doing here?" Ino asked.

"I could ask you the same.." Sakura said, her left eyebrow twitching just slightly.

"Well I was just meeting up with some other Jonin friends I have that work here," Ino answered.

"Right.. and I'm guessing that" Sakura started.

"That I need your help today, yes," Ino finished.

"Why am I not surprised.." Sakura let out a sigh, "Well it's not like I'm doing anything today anyway.."

Before Sakura knew it, she found herself sitting next to Ino on a bench outside the Hokage's building discussing ways to ask Sasuke out.

"No, Ino. That would clearly never work. First of all, Sasuke would never just accept chocolates or flowers if you give them to him."

"Well.. why not? If a girl gets a guy chocolates or flowers, he should always accept them!" Ino huffed, scrunching up her nose in frustration.

Sakura couldn't help but notice that familiar tightness in her chest and knot in her stomach as she watched Ino get frustrated over Sasuke. Ino's nose scrunched up more and she put her hands on her hips, letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"Well, then what do you think I should do, Sakura?" Ino asked, looking right into Sakura's eyes with her own sparkling blue ones.

"Ahh.. well," Sakura started, immediately breaking eye contact with Ino and looking down at her lap.

"I don't know, maybe try approaching him first and trying to get closer..?" Sakura suggested, looking back up at Ino.

"Uggghhh! You suck at this Sakura!" Ino pouted.

"Well what do you expect me to say, Ino? It's not like I've talked to Sasuke in a long time and I honestly have no idea what he wants, okay?!" Sakura suddenly raised her voice.

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