3:: Frustration

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"Sakura! Dinner!"

"Yeah! Just a second, Mom!" Sakura yelled down the stairs.

Making her way down the stairs and into the kitchen, Sakura saw her mom and dad already sitting at the dinner table. She could smell the delicious aroma of lasagna and fresh bread in the air.

"Wow this looks really good, Mom," Sakura smiled, sitting down at her place at the table.

"Haha yeah, I did such a great job didn't I?" her mom chuckled mischievously.

Sakura looked between her mom and her dad suspiciously.

"Dad made this, didn't he," Sakura narrowed her eyes.

"Our Sakura is so observant, isn't she!" Her dad laughed, starting to dig in to his food.

They are such dorks, Sakura thought, rolling her eyes and picking up her fork.

"So, Valentine's Day is tomorrow isn't it?" Sakura's dad asked.

"That's right, honey. How could you forget? Remember the romantic plans we made for tomorrow?" Her mom winked and leaned closer to her dad.

"Um... should I be hearing about this?" Sakura asked, raising her eyebrows.

Sakura's mom and dad burst into laughter.

"No, no. You're funny Sakura!" Her dad laughed.

"Don't you remember, Sakura?" Her mom started, "Every year on Valentine's Day, your dad and I go out to get dinner at the pasta place down the street. Then, we always spend the rest of the night at the local festival they hold each year on Valentine's Day."

"Why do I feel like I'm hearing all this now for the first time?" Sakura asked, confused.

"Maybe if you paid attention a little more you would remember, huh?" Sakura's mom suggested, laughing a little.

"Yeah.. maybe," Sakura said, looking down.

"Ah! This will be so fun! I'm looking forward to tomorrow," Her mom jumped a little in her seat and turned to look at Sakura's dad excitedly.

"I am too!" He smiled.

"Y'know, Sakura.." her Mom started, looking over at Sakura.

Oh no, what is it this time..? She thought, preparing herself mentally.

"We never hear about your crushes anymore, do we?" Her mom continued.

Sakura shifted in her chair uncomfortably.

"That's right. What ever happened to Sasuke? You used to talk about him a LOT. Haha!" Her dad laughed.

"Uh well.."

"Yeah! You had a crush on him for the longest time, saying you were going to marry him and all that!" Sakura's mom added, "I guess that didn't turn out, did it?"

"I'm.. I don't like him anymore like that," Sakura said reluctantly, wringing her hands.

"After so long talking about him, that faded kind of quickly, don't you think?" Sakura's mom asked.

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