2. Housewarming

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We have been running around all day getting things ready for tonight. Dom went to go pick up the food from the catering company, while I am here cleaning and getting the drinks ready. All the people who we invited are coming which is a whopping 25 people, all the Wynonna Cast are coming and Emily, with a bunch of our family and friends. With the press and conventions ending last week we have been getting ready for tonight all week, we are exhausted but still exited to see everyone for the first time in our new house.

After we got the place set up and ready to go me and Dom, started getting ourselves ready. Dom walked out of our dressing room, wearing a straight jean with a tight crop top, and cute black belt, with her patched denim jacket. As she walks past me to the bathroom trying to put in her earing I stop her, she looks to good not to be stopped.

"Now, why do you always where such cute and sexy outfits, when I actually have to control myself? " I pull her closer by her belt loops.

"Excuse me! your always the one making me loose control! Or don't you remember all the times I dragged you off of set?" she straddles my legs.

"Oh yeah! it's the tie aye? I should get myself a few new suits and see how long you'll last!"

"okay, well I'll start wearing my little strapless black dress more often then"

"you wouldn't dare"

"Well if you wear a tie, then I can wear my dress, sounds fair to me"

"No its definitely not fair, what you do to me in the black dress is not the same things as the tie, trust me"

"Oh Really? " she pulls herself of off me and disappears into the closet.

Plopping down backwards on the bed, I know what's she's up to. Walking out a few minutes later she waltz out, my eyes trail up her body starting at the thin high heels, then her perfectly toned legs, reaching the hem of the dress just under her ass, the unbelievably low sweetheart neckline shapes her breasts perfectly while the corset top stitching her waist.

Walking to bathroom she hums as she purposely drops her ring, slowly bending down, her dress nudging up slowly, driving me insane. Without saying a word, I stood up and decided if she wants to play this game then count me in.

"Hey babe, could you help me in here quickly? " I call her over from the wardrobe.

"Yeah what do you need my he...." He words we lost like mine were earlier.

"Could you help me tie this tie, I can't seem to get it right"

I slipped on my high heels with my 3-piece blue suit, with my black suspenders. And to top it off my skinny black tie that 'forgot' how to tie.

Holding either sides of my tie, Dom pulls me down to her. Her lips teasing mine.

"Do you think we have enough time to christen the counters before the guests arrive? "

"does this mean I won? "

She pouts as she admits defeat. Taking the tie from her hands I wrap them around mine and lift it above her head leaning on the wall behind her.

"Well I would never say no to fucking you on the kitchen counter, but I think I'll wait till after" I slip away leaving her hot and bothered.


"Mel! Are you okay on drinks? " I ask her from across the room.

"I could do with another champagne , thanks! "

"Hun, are you good on a drink? " I ask Dom.

"Another mimosa please babe"

Grabbing their drinks as well as mine I shuffle through the crown of chatting friends and family to get to them. Soft Jazz played in the background, while platters of food made their way around the room.

"Here you go" I hand them their drinks.

"I love your house, I can see where you decorated and where Dom decorated" she laughs

"We still somethings to finish, here and there but we are mostly done" Dom says.

"Do you reckon you will be done by the time we start shooting in January next year?"

"Oh yeah definitely, its only September so we should be all done, before Christmas, and its mainly just outside really" I say.

"I feel bad, but I cant wait till we go back to Calgary, don't get me wrong I love my kids but fuck they drive me nuts" Mel downs her drink

"I don't blame you, but me and Dom and I are not too happy about having to shoot soon" I grab her closer by the waist.

"Yeah I miss that phase were all you want to do is lay in bed and cook brackfast in cute underwear while the other one makes coffee" she sighs and looks at Jeff who is busy talking to Tim. "Once the kids come along, you can kiss all that goodbye"

"We will worry about that once we get there, right babe? "

Dom simply nods. 

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