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Okay, so I used to have this teacher. (Of course I did) Whenever we tried to draw or read in our free time or something in class, he'd say, "Do that on your own time, not mine."

Well, if we can't do the stuff we want to do on your time, then don't make us do things you want us to do on our time. Hypocrite.

Honestly, that one teacher was always saying stuff like that! He was such an ass.

So, why the hell are we not allowed to do stuff during your work hours (which isn't really your time--it's the school's) and you expect us to do your stuff during our free time, which really IS our time?!?!?!

What the hell?!


Maybe, just maybe, you should use a different phrase. One that makes people hate you less, maybe?

Ok... That was just me talking to a teacher who'll probably never read this... But I needed to get this out.

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