The Reveal

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Jeff's eyes widen as he sees the face of the killer. They're wearing a dark jacket and a blue mask with no mouth. Only, the mask is covered in that black liquid he saw on the second victim. The liquid spews from the eyesockets of the mask. Some of it seems really old, but some is new. Like the liquid keeps seeping, but is never cleaned off. What he can see of their hair around the mask straps is brown and messy. About medium length. On the ends of their hands are black claws. They use those to rip open the stomach of the body. More blood spills as they dig their hands into the abdomen. They yank the liver out and glance at it in the light. Seemingly satisfied, they stand. They grab the bottom of the mask and begin pulling it up.

Jeff doesn't realize how far he's leaning out until a dead branch snaps under his foot. The figure stills, hand slipping from the mask. They turn in his direction and see him. He can't see their eyes due to the mask and the shadows. Jeff and the person stare at each other in silence for a while. Until they turn and begin to run. 

"Wait!" Jeff calls out before he can think. They stop, but don't turn. "What's your name?"

"Jack." Their voice is deep and a little raspy. As if they rarely use it. They seem male, but again, Jeff never assumes. 

"I'm Jeff."

"I know who you are." They finally turn to him. "You're kinda infamous."

"I guess so. But still. It's only right to introduce myself after asking for your name." 

They cock their head. "Maybe."

"Wait, Jack? As in Eyeless Jack?"

They flinch a little. "You can just call me Jack."

"Right. Sorry."

"Why are you here, Jeff? Why did you set up a trap for me?"

"I wanted to meet you. I found one of your bodies and I was curious."

"Maybe you shouldn't be so curious."

"Why's that?"

They pause. "Nothing. Nevermind." They look away and begin to walk again.

"Mind if I come with you?"

"Yes. to be alone."

"I'll just follow you anyway, you know." Jeff smiles. He keeps pace with Jack, who doesn't say anything more. "So, are you really blind?"

"In a way." 

"What do you mean?"

Jack sighs. "I can't see normally. The way that you do. Everything is...distorted. As if I'm trying to look through murky water."

"Woah. That's cool."


"Yeah! I've never met anyone like you." Jeff spins and begins walking backwards. "I've met others like us. Like Ticci Toby, Jane the Killer, and Ben Drowned. But you're not like them. I mean, Ben is also unique. But he was never human to begin with. You were, right?"

"Once, yes."

"Not much of a talker, huh? Toby's the same way. I guess I can understand why though. His stutters are one of the reasons he's like this now." Jeff is rambling, but he doesn't know how to stop. He's too excited.

"And you talk too much."

"If I annoy you, don't be afraid to shut me up." Jeff begins walking normally again. Jack stops in front of an old factory. "Is this your place?"

"For now."

"Can I come in?"

"You're here, aren't you?" Jack holds the door open for him. Jeff strolls in and looks around. Jack takes his liver and places it in a cooler off to the side.

"This is a nice place. How long have you been here?"

"A few months. Not too long."

"Do you move a lot?"

"I have to. Don't you?"

"Yeah. I don't think I've had a place in...two years? Maybe longer? I usually stay in one place for only a week before I move on. I get bored easy." Jeff flops down on a bare mattress that doesn't seem too old. There's a small propane heater and a little propane stove. Like the ones people would use for camping. It's not much, but it's more than Jeff's ever had. He feels like an idiot for not thinking about it himself. Jack sits down in front of the heater, across from Jeff.

"Really? Doesn't it get tiring?"

"I don't really get tired anymore."

"What about cold? Hungry?"

"Yeah, those I do. But I usually just ignore them until it becomes an issue."

Jack looks Jeff over. "You're shivering."

"I am?" Jeff pulls a hand up to find it shaking. "Oh. Guess I am. I didn't notice." Jack shifts so his body isn't blocking the heater anymore. Jack keeps staring at Jeff's face.

"Did it...hurt?" 

"What? The smile?" Jeff touches it. "Not really. I don't quite feel pain the same way on my face anymore. Not since the fire." Jeff lays back on the mattress. "Nothing's been the same since then."

"What happened?" When Jeff gives him a perplexed expression, Jack explains. "I know about you. But not the whole story."

"Ah. Well. Some assholes, renowned bullies, tried to screw with me. So I stabbed one. They weren't happy with me after that. The assholes tracked me down and set me on fire. Burned my face off and some of my chest too."


"I got back at them though." Jeff smirks. "They were my first kills. Fuckers got what was coming to them. Then I carved this smile on my face and that's my story."

"Does anyone know that you did them in?"

Jeff smile drops, as much as it possibly can anyway. "No. My idiot brother took the fall. I wanted the glory. My parents even told me to let him take the punishment. So I killed them too." Jeff sits up. "What about you? I know almost nothing about your story. Just that you're like a demon now."

"Similar to you. Some assholes who liked to bully me tried a different tactic. They tricked me into going to their little camping party with a new girl. Turns out it was some ritual. They tied me to this little statue and gouged out my eyes. They summoned something, which took over my body. And now I'm this." He waves vaguely at his body.

"We're both fucked up, huh?" Jeff chuckles.

"Can you be like this and not be messed up?"

"I guess not. So why, the organs?"

"I'm not sure. It's just what I eat now. Part of the demon thing, I suppose."

"Do you cook them, or eat them raw?"

"Both, depending on my mood."

"Sweet. Does it taste good?"

"To me, yeah. You seem really okay with this."

"Jack, I kill people. For fun. I've seen a video game character come to life. A demon who eats livers and has no eyes isn't the weirdest thing I've ever seen."

"That's true. But still."

"I've also seen an inhuman creature with no face whatsoever and is like 7 foot tall. Trust me, I'm good with weird."

"Wait, you've seen Slenderman?"

"Yeah. I used to live at his place for a while."

"Woah." Jack seems truly impressed.

"Yeah, he's creepier in person. Especially when he stares at you, since he doesn't even have a mouth." Jeff glances out the window. "Do you sleep?"

"Yeah. Not often, but I do."

"Then I should get going. Let you get some rest or eat or whatever." He stands up.

"Will I...see you again?" Jack asks.

"If you want."

"I...I do."

"Then you will." Jeff smiles. "See you tomorrow, Jackie boy." He salutes before leaving.

Eat My Heart Out (Jeff the Killer x Eyeless Jack)Where stories live. Discover now