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Jeff decides to give Jack a couple of days. Besides, he's itching to kill again. And he doesn't think Jack is ready to go with him on a hunt. He just wants Jack to be comfortable with him. He's not sure why he feels this way. Usually, he doesn't care about other people's feelings. But Jack reminds Jeff of himself a few years ago. Lost, scared, confused. A part of him wants to help Jack the way he wishes someone would've helped him. The way he's trying to help Toby as well. But the kid doesn't really want his help, not like Jack does. Which is why Jeff is so adamant to get Jack used to his presence. If someone asks for his help in dealing with this life, Jeff will do whatever he can. No matter the cost.

His next victim has no idea that he's stalking them. Most of the time, they don't. People are too cocky. They think that nothing bad could ever happen to THEM. Which is stupid. Anything can happen at any moment. Jeff is surprised people don't notice him more. He is seemingly a teen with a bright white hoodie on, the hood covering his face. Which isn't weird in itself. But walking around in the middle of the night, with weird stains covering said hoodie? That's definitely strange. And yet, people just don't seem to notice him. Although, he shouldn't complain since it helps him. This time, he follows the girl home and fully intends on killing her and her fiancee. It's only the two of them, but it gives him the satisfaction of killing multiple people as well. He should be more careful about who and where he kills. But he couldn't be bothered at the moment. 

He pulls open one of the windows on the ground floor and slips inside after they've gone to bed. Jeff is basically salivating with anticipation. Although, he does promise to bring Jack a liver or two back afterwards. It's not like he needs them and why waste them? He creeps up the stairs, not making a sound. His breathing is even and silent. He knows how to control his body by now. His knife is at the ready, eager to spill blood this night. He gently nudges the bedroom door open, calmly walking up to the bed. It seems they're both cuddly people. He can barely distinguish them in the darkness. He goes for the man first, ripping open his throat. The woman screams and falls out of bed as Jeff stalks towards her. She tries to run, but he grabs her and yanks her back. 

"Go. To. Sleep." He cackles as he runs the blade along her neck. The room is covered in blood. He writes his message and begins sawing the man's abdomen open. It's not as easy for him as it is for Jack, since all he has is a knife. But he tries his best. He finally gets deep enough to start rooting around. The body flails about oddly as his hand digs into its stomach. He finds it funny. It's like he's a puppet master. He finally gets the liver out and sticks it in a ziplock bag. He steps to the woman, but that's when he hears sirens. The police are here. 

"Damn. How did they know?" He pulls his hood on higher and runs to the window. He flings it open and leaps out. He underestimates how high up he is and hits the ground hard, twisting his ankle. He curses, but stands up despite the pain. He whips around, looking for a way out where they won't catch him. He didn't realize how close to the main road he is. It's no wonder the police got here so quick. They're probably right down the road. Flashlights illuminate the yard and he begins running. He doesn't know where he's going, he just needs to get away as fast as possible. He's mad at himself for fucking up so royally. That's when he hears the K-9 units barking. They're about to send the dogs after him. Even without a bum leg, there's no way he can outrun a bloodthirsty canine. 

The pounding of the dogs gets closer and closer to him. He doesn't glance back, it will only slow him down more. Their furious snarls are basically on top of him. His lungs are complaining, but he can't stop even for a second. Then there's a weight on his back, four feet shoving him facedown to the ground. He struggles with the dog, but the other one grabs onto his arm. The teeth dig in and it begins shaking its head. The pain is excruciating. The flashlights are getting closer. He has to get these dogs off of him or he's screwed. The other dog latches onto hoodie, trying to reach his neck. He gets his feet underneath it, but he can't toss it off. The dog is holding on too tight. Suddenly, the weight on his chest is gone and pained howl rings out. Jeff blinks and looks around. Jack stands there, hands bloody.

"Need a hand?" 

Jeff laughs breathlessly. "Boy, am I glad to see you." In one quick movement, Jack slashes the other dog and hauls Jeff to his feet. 

"Now, let's get out of here, shall we?" Supporting most of his weight, Jack carries him away. They hide until the police pass by and then make their way to Jack's hideout. They stumble inside and Jeff sinks to the floor. 

Jeff glances at his hoodie, seeing his blood on it for the first time in a while. "Huh. Would you look at that."

"They messed you up pretty good, didn't they?"

"Yeah. But, I brought you something." Jeff pulls out the liver. "I could only get the one. But still."

Jack stops. "Uh, thanks. You were...thinking of me?"

"Of course. I don't need them. But you do. So, we both win, right?" 

Jack shakes his head and takes the bag. He puts it in his cooler and sits next to Jeff. "First, let's take care of you, yeah?" He drags a little box to him and starts pulling stuff out of it. "I know I don't see well, but I have a lot of practice with this. Do you trust me?"

"Always," Jeff answers simply. Jack cleans off the bite wound and Jeff hisses in a breath. Jack grabs some string and a needle, trying to thread it. "Here, let me." Jeff takes it from it and pulls the string through, tying it easily, before handing it back. Jack begins sewing up Jeff's arm with an odd precision. He wasn't lying when he said he could do it. He finishes and wraps it up. 

"There. That should do it for now. Let's look at your ankle." 

"How do you know how to do this?"

"Before the ritual, I was a med student at college."

"Huh. So that technically makes you older than me."

Jack chuckles. "Even if I was younger before, I think the fact that I'm a demon automatically makes me older than you. By a lot."

"Touche." Jeff laughs. 

"It doesn't seem like anything's broken. Just sprained. You should be fine if you stay off of it for a bit."

"Good. I don't particularly feel like standing anyway." Jeff lays back. "Ah, fuck me."

"I don't think I know you well enough yet." It takes a minute for Jeff to understand what he means. 

Jeff busts up. "You just made a joke!"

"I am capable of that, you know." They laugh together for a while.

"So, is it alright if I stay here tonight?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know. I just get the impression you need space. That you're not used to people."

"I'm not. But I don't mind if it's you. Since I do know you better now. And, I don't know, you're different. You get me in ways nobody else ever has."

"I feel the same." Jeff sighs.

"Get some rest. You're gonna need it."

"Mm. Night..." For once, Jeff falls asleep easily.

Eat My Heart Out (Jeff the Killer x Eyeless Jack)Where stories live. Discover now