Chapter 5

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{Sorry about the song. I'm really slow and this is one of my favs U>U}

This is 3 hours after the party started. Everyone was there having fun and doing what they like. They were either eating, talking, or looking around.

Nightmare's POV:

We were having fun. I was sort of agitated as people kept coming up and asking me to either swim or play pool or something that technically you would give permission for at a house party.

I gave everyone the off limits of the backyard lake. I'm currently sitting I'm me and Dream's room to cool down. Dream came in and i got even more angry because I thought it was someone else.

D: Hey love. Wanna talk about it?

N: *sighs in relief* Thank Asgore it's just you. I thought it was someone else coming to bother me again.

He came over and rubbed my back slowly while calmly giving me a relaxing feeling. I was confused as i was getting sleepy.

N: Dream? What are *yawn* you doing? *Stretch*

D: You're very stressed. Why not get some sleep and don't worry I'll take care of the guest.

N: Okay. *lays down* Good night Sunshine.

D: *giggle* Good night Moonbeam.

Dream's POV:

I successfully put him to sleep. Now to put Killer to sleep and then me and Blue will leave. I leave the room to go to Killer and Blue's room. Before I made it to the door Blue steps out and closes the door slowly and softly. I assumed he put Killer asleep as well.

D: Everything good?

B: Yep it took me a minute for it to actually work, but he went down.

D: Good cause we'll be gone for a while and I don't want them to worry.

We make our way down the stairs.

B: Yep. First, get the first flower. Second, get the seconds location.

D: Third, practice on summoning our crowns to us as they may help us wherever we're going. Forth, retrieve the second flower.

B&D: Fifth, get back home before the boys wake up and the party's over. *look at each other* Let's go!

We head outside to get the lily. I grabbed it and made it into a crown with the help of Blue making more flowers for it. I placed it on top of my head.

*First objective.........complete*

We sat in front of the lake holding hands and searching for the second flower. After about 5 minutes straight of searching we find it.

*Second objective........complete*

We head to the ballroom. Made sure no one was in there and repeated the same dance we did until we found out how to bring the crowns out. Then practiced summoning the crowns. Once we felt satisfied with our results, we headed out the door for the second lily.

*Third objective........complete*

We are look around everywhere in this AU. When I think of something. I lightly smack my head and turned around to find Blue. I found him after some time.

D: Hey Blue! Try looking in the waters! It is a water lily after all!

B: Okay! I'll let you know if I find it!

D: Alright!

After a while I found it in a water fountain. I grabbed it and ran to Blue. He turned the flower into a crown as well and placed it on his head.

*Forth objective..........complete*

We're currently heading home. We are so close, just passing the school down the street from the house. We made to the house and walk in the door to see everyone panicking. Looking around for something. When me and Blue noticed Killer and Nightmare awake. We look at each other.

D&B:........oh stars......

*Fifth objective...........incomplete*

B: *whisper* I was sure the magic would keep them down for 3 hours and we've been gone for 1 in a half. So how........*looks at the time and softly smacks head* Oh Asgore. I didn't know we took that long.

D: Nightmare? What's wrong?

N: Not now Dream and Blue. Were trying to find Dream and........DREAM AND BLUE!!

D&B: *flinch and hold hands scared*





K: *grabs Blue's shoulders and shakes him a bit* BLUE YOUR PREGNANT FOR ASRIEL SAKE! *lets him go and pushes him back a bit*

Me and Blue couldn't take the pressure and I'm sure it brought back memories for Blue. Because it sure did for me. I could hear Blue breathing heavy. I didn't notice I was doing the same. My vision gets a little blurry.

N: YOU COULD- wait you two okay?

D: My.....head hurts.....*faint*

B: *faint*



{Words: 808}
{I know this one's shorter than the others, but this is what my brain said was the 5th chapter T^T Anyway here's 2/3. Chapter 6 will be uploaded tomorrow}

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