Chapter 1

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This takes place in present time, but everything is sort of like mid-evil times. (Kind of like Empire verse a bit) You have the Kings and "Queens" and they are the ones who keep the balances throughout the multiverse. They are: Error and Ink, Nightmare and Dream, and an inspired one, Killer and Blue, there's also a pair that will be named later. In order they are King Distruction and "Queen" Creativity, King Negativity and "Queen" Positivity, and King Death and "Queen" Life.

There are quotations around Queen because technically they are male, but in this story it doesn't matter what gender you are that's the role they play. I got the idea of Blue as a "God" from a Gacha video I saw a while back. I currently can't remember what it was, but I'll let you know what it was when I figure it out.

They made a truce so they don't fight they used to. You know that Ink and Error wouldn't stop fighting no matter what the truce, or anyone, says. Blue and Killer know that they are God's(King and Queen), but won't tell anyone yet in fear of what they may do when they tell them. It was a collective idea between the both of them.

Let's begin shall we?

Oh and italics means thinking.

Dream's POV:

I'm walking down the hall to go meet with Blue for some Nice Cream while Ink is gone down Error's throat......again. i turn the corner to see Killer and Blue talking. They haven't spotted me yet so I quickly hide back behind the corner and listen.

B: know your not supposed to do that.

D: What is he talking about? Do what?

K: I know little Blue, but i can't help it.

B: Well you better control it. What if someone caught you?! I don't wanna have to deal with that again. *Puts a hand on his hip and points a finger at Killer with the other* Now listen here mister. Keep it under control. *Folds his arms across his chest* Got it?

K: *moves his hands to slip around Blue's waist and pulls him close* Yes my Queen~ *kisses him while Blue kisses back putting his arms around his neck*

D: *squeals* OMG Killer and Blue?! Never expected that ship. It is cute though. Wait. QUEEN?! WHAT IS HE THE QUEEN OF?! IS IT FAKE OR IS IT REAL?! I'm done!  *Walks out from the corner* Hiya Blue! Having fun with your boyfriend~?

They both jump at Dream's random appearance. Dream chuckled lightly at the action.

B: Hai Dream! Ummm....

D: I'm upset you didn't tell me *plays hurt* I thought I was your bsf.

Blue laughs and pulls Dream into a hug. Playfully crying and saying sorry while comforting Dream. Killer's chuckling at they're playful manor. They pull away from each other laughing as Dream wipes away imaginary tears. That made the trio laugh harder. They eventually stop.

B: So Dream. What did ya need?

D: Well I wanted to go get some Nice Cream with you since Ink and Error are fighting again, but now we can bring Killer along as well if he likes.

K: I'll have to ask the Boss. Meet cha there?

B: Yep. My AU just made a new flavor~ *winks at Killer*

K: *blushes a purple-ish black color*

D: Really?! What flavor?

B: *glances Killer up and down* BlackBerry.

D: That sound amazing! Doesn't it Killer?

K: *blushes harder and looks away* Y-yea! Meet cha at Underswap! *Teleports away*

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