Summary:Regan finds more about the contestants and Maeve looks for someone who can tell her about the arrow that almost killed the princess.
Maeve's story:
No contestant rushed to tell their childhood memories.I almost spaced out when Regan harsly squeezed my arm.
"I see that you are bored."
"I sure am. This is not my kind of place."
"Then i should send you to find out more about that arrow."
"I thought you trusted your father that he will take care of this?"
"He won't. He's irresponsible for my well being. He hired a new incompetent guard with zero experience to protect me and invited THE enemies to dinner! The last thing i need is a traitor on my track. You will go right now! "
I almost slapped her if she wasn't in one way or another my boss.
" And what's my excuse? "
" That you're doing your job you're payed to do:completing the tasks I give you. "
Just as I stand up, Anvindr said:
" Where you going Foxglove?"
At least he was pretty smart. This flower represents the Taurean people.
"I have a job to do. Don't miss me.Your highnesses. "I answered more gently than usual.Regan rolled her eyes and made a sign that really said" i'm watching you" and I responded with a taunting air kiss. I didn't see her reaction, but i ran away as soon as I stepped out of the dining room.It was a nightmare to live here, but i have a plan to restore my family's honour, houses and all i had.Just because they loved each other. I hated these people who took everything they had, and now we lived out in the forest,near the air district. They were always with their heads up in the clouds, but were the most open-minded. They let people with the same situation as me to live there,but didn't help with other things.There were people from all the districts living togheter.Each contributed with something totally different so that's why we thrived without connections and supplies. Maybe someone will know something about this arrow and, bonus, i could get lessons of controling wood.
I took a turn on a hidden path that led to our place.The village seems quiet, so other people who get on these parts of the woods can't find us, but when you get past the magical barrier is like any other existing village:busy. The barrier is like a living creature that knows each and all of us.It appeared out of nowhere some time when my family got here. Sometimes I ask myself if it was just a coincidence, or I am just special.Yeah,I can be narcissistic in my own mind.
I finally made it home. I missed it, even if i made the castle my home for little time.It still looked the same:small houses, little children playing and teens like me who by now are in another round of Capture the Flag. I'd so play with them if i didn't have work to do. I should see my family before doing anything else.***
Regan's story:
It was the Flames boy turn to say about himself. My parents were absolutley thrilled to hear his story and i didn't know why they cared so much. Like this boy is a real piece of work, exactly like the other:an hyperactive adventurer who can't stop moving and likes to fight criminals and pet monsters and animals.He has that annoying smile of someone who thinks is superior but it's just trying to hide their insecurities. I almost preferred Maeve's smirk under the table cloth than listening to this boy gloating any more. I wanted to do a prank exactly like Maeve did with that airhead,but i'd risk any plans my parents had for them. Maybe they will poison them with the new poison I learned about: Deadly Claw that in some seconds after enters your body attacks your heart and stops the circulation in your body and you can't move until your last breath!
After he finished, it was clear as day that my parents didn't want to hear any stories from those two girls. But than, the Rock Head started talking:
"Now, wouldn't be fair that the princess tell us her story?We shall like to hear it."
"And out of politeness i should remind you that you're a guest into my house so you can't make me do anything.And if you try again,I will fulfill your suicidal wish to die by my hand."
It was quiet for some time until we finished dinner. I was interested in this Pisces girl, to see her ability in action but that will be possible tomorrow. What a shame. I still had to strike a conversation with her.
"So how is your homeland like?" i asked her with my most angelic tone i could possibly muster.
She was a bit shocked and started fidgeting. She took a a big breath and answered:
"It's good."
I tried not to get mad because my sister had the same problem.
"Sorry, it's just surprising..."
"What exactly? "
"That you've never been there.There are the best water gifted teachers."
"I trained alone most of the time. Rarely had teachers." I answered stabbing lightly with my salad fork a tomato."
"I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't want to talk about that.I should just drop the subject, but i don't remember the right way to do it politely." I let out a chuckle because i felt sorry for her more than it made me laugh.
"As you well know my parents don' t get along with the water tribe. At all. That's why they want at all costs to run the empire. And they send you."I said contemplating on the idea of her being stronger than me." You must be pretty strong."
"I don't know about that! I just love to feel the sensations that come with it. How it fills every part of your body and every muscle starts relaxing. It's a worthy sensation that i feel addicted to so that's why I trained 24/7."
"And what does the water district think of me?"
"I am not sure you should hear it..."
"They are my people too, you know. I just never had the chance to met them. I want to know more about them."
She gulped, and then said "They think you're a punishment for the king.Not little before you were born he took many recruits to invade our temples. He destroyed our Scorpio and Cancer's temples, but they didn't get to the Pisces temple in time, and were beaten. That's why it says that you and your sister are not fire signs even if he did everything correctly to assure that this is the result."she took a long breath,like it was a hard thing to tell the story.
I always asked myself why wasn't I a fire sign and i finally found why by asking this shy girl questions. I am angry. A Goddess punished me too at the same time! I could've got so much more than I already have...
"Do you want the throne?" I finally asked.
"Everyone wants it,so don't ask stupid questions."
My father was talking with Anvindr and Aarush so he wasn't attentive to what me and these girls were talking about. My sister was like usual, not talking much, but wasn't concentrated on our conversation like always. She was in her own mind doing what Goddesse Scorpio knows!This rock will go downhill when i finish with her.
"So I see you''re pretty direct. Don' t beat around the bush kinda person, huh?"
"You can say so. And you are the kinda manipulative royal scum who thinks that she can find our weaknesses by asking about ourselves? Talk that talk i suppose."
What is it with the earth signs that they think they understand everybody?
" It's called polite conversation. It's not like on the fields you have someone to talk to so I shouldn't be surprised that you don't know the basic manners. Ask me something then."
She clearly acknowledged my remarks with determination.
"Are you aware of what will be the task tomorrow?
"Wow you're pretty stupid. No one is aware of what the tomorrow's task is about. Not even my parents!There is just one person who knows: The Game Leader.
" Who's that? "
" Her name is Idara. She was cursed to never talk ever again, but nobody knows by who. She is a Virgo,so she will always keep things organized and she is fair. Her second in command is Pratibal,who keeps everything equal.You know how every task has an element that is more likely to win, and in every season there is always a more powerful element.So he makes sure to put a task for a favored element in the season it is the weakest so it makes everything fair like Idara wants. "
" Good to know. So tomorrow it will be a task where the water element will work the best.I was told to have prepared a team."
"Can't we team up with each other?"asked Coral.
" That would be great! "
"Calm your horses. We will find tomorrow the rules, so don't get ahead of yourselves." said Acantha.
"You make me miss my guardian.Why are earth signs so boring?!"
"And tense!"
"Exactly!" both eyeing Acantha amused.
She gave us a deadly look that made Coral stare at her plate scared, and I matched her look with a more dangerous one.
This dinner was going so "great".***
My little house where I lived from when I was 8 still looked the same.I stared at it for some minutes taking all in.This place was so different from the mansion I grew up in. It was made with so much love and it was so personal, but this little house was made in a hurry to not sleep on the streets for long and my parents didn't have the will to make it more beautiful. To decorate it with plants or to put portraits or my drawings on the walls.Somehow I felt the passion that in what feels like other world that burned everything in it's way was not fueled anymore,consuming itself so much that almost perished.
I lightly knocked on the door, but nobody answers. I tried again with more force. When it was clear that they didn't come to open it I ran to the closest window and stick my head in it.No one was home.
I approach the back door of the house, the one hidden by the vines.I planted my hands on the ground,my eyes flickering with life when the vines retreated. I went down the stairs that led me to the only door that was open all the time.The first thing I saw was a piece of wood that was hanging by the door with cheap rope. The wood was craved with little words formed with capital letters,that said:"Daughter we will not be home for some days.A beast found our place of stay and we had to go drive it away. We will be back soon."
I smiled at the memory of us going togheter to catch the monsters that stole our crops or eating our animals. We went in groups where we trusted each other with our lives. It was one of my most favorite activities.
I wanted to enter the house but then I remembered what I've come to do.I put the spell back up and took my leave and went directly to the gate of the back to enter the dangerous part of the forest because it may have the answers,like in what story a dangerous forest doesn't hold the answers?
Running like crazy to be quick and get back to the palace as soon as possible,I almost forgot that the gate was made of metal,an element that was as hard as wood,both not knowing it well or better said at all.I almost was hit by the gate, but I stopped barely at the right time.
"Now what I am supposed to do?" I said looking menacingly at the dark arrow.
I analyzed the perimeter, and finally found the old but gold way out:climbing the tree! It may seem rather easy but there was no branch to steady yourself and it was hard on such a clean surface that didn't have at least a little hole.The earth in this zone was somehow magically un movable so i couldn't climb on rocks. I took the arrow and a dagger and stabbed the arbor with it.Patience was needed and all I was thinking about was how all this will be worthy it when my family will have back all that it was taken. I will win the favour of this princess, and her sister, and her mother and hell even the king himself will be so surprised!
I finally made it. I jumped and the sharp part of the bar almost stinged my skin.I felt almost immediately after i touched the ground a vibration from my hand:it was the arrow.
She wanted me to follow her diection. And I did.

The Threat of the Zodiac
FantasyMaeve is a protector of the royal family. A Taurus like her couldn't have a more suited role than that.But she needs to protect the worst of the worst.When a rebellion is starting, family secrets are exposed and everything is falling apart she needs...