Chapter 1

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Maeve is throwing piles of rocks in some well put targets. She couldn't sleep last night at all and that was showing in her maneuver and weak stance. The reason why she couldn't sleep was very simple:she was nervous. She didn't know yet if she was accepted as a royal guard! It is very important to her to make it:it is the only solution for her to restore her parents' respect and reputation ruined by a stupid rule of the society! At this throught she lifted a whole boulder up in the air and threw it in one of the targets that were furthest away.
Two more hours passed and finally she sees the messenger:a kid with a funny hat and a big bag full until refuge with papers. The kid wore clothes of poor quality and he seemed very tired. He looked like he was running for over five hours without a pause! Maeve looked with pity at him, but then she hears her name shouted by the boy so she starts running to meet him half way.
"Miss! Miss! Are you Maeve Metnus?" said the boy barely breathing.
"That's me.You don't look very well. Can i help?
" You can't,but i appreciate. I have a letter from the royal court!I hope for your sake that are good news... "
" I feel pretty pessimistic today but maybe i'm in luck. If you can... "says Maeve reaching for the letter and the boy gives it to her.
" I must go now. Good luck! "shouts the boy running like one hell of a speed horse.
" Thank you... "says the girl pretty confused by his speed.
She opens the letter with care like the piece of paper is gonna bite her. She reads it aloud even if there is no one else there.

" Dear Maeve Metnus,
After long debates about the pros and cons of having you here, we decided that maybe is for the best to offer you a chance even if our wifes will annoy us to death. You will be on trial when you decied to join the royal guards. I hope you will be on your best behavior and you will not make us regret our decision. When you arrive you will be tasked with your first mission.
- The Chiefs"

     Maeve lets a yelp of shock and happiness. Finally she could prove what she's worth and restore the family's reputation. She packed her things and her short sword and started walking to the castle. Maeve throught "When i arrive in town i could get a carriage to the palace. It would be much easier."

      In her way to the palace she was interrupted by some easy whispers. Maeve stops. The whispers came from somewhere close to her. Before running like crazy to spy on those people who were sharing secrets in the heart of the woods she listened more closely.
     "I hate to work so much! Always need to do that and that! The stupid gifted with their eLeMeNtS!" said a voice coming from a teen girl.
     "Then you will be interested in taking down the king?" asked a boy.
      "I just want to work less!"
      "Well that's how. You will have more rights to! Lands and riches. Don't you think you deserve it?!" said the boy.
       "Hell yeah i deserve! But...Even if it wasn't the king his daughter or the other contestants will take the throne and it will be the same!"
       "That is why it's a more complicated plan. All you need to do is to swear to tell no one... just if the Nons accept it! We will meet this saturday..."
       " Nons...?"
      Before Maeve could hear what he will say about the Nons she stepped on a twig!
      " What was that? "questioned the girl.
      " Let's find out! "
      Maeve knew that was the moment to get out of there. She started climbing a tree and found shelter on a rigorous branch hidden by some big leaves,then she concentrate on manipulating the earth to cover her tracks. The kids wandered aimlessly and found nothing.
       "We have no reason to worry! No one heard us!" said the girl.
       The boy didn't seem as convinced as his companion.
       "We should go. Just in case"
        "Whatever dude."
       When they were gone Maeve jumped of the branch easily. She smiled to herself knowing this information. Now she could have an advantage in this all royal gurad business. Now she just needs to know if they really are a threat. But her gut feeling told her that something very wrong will happen.
      And she will be no outsider.



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