Daniella Benton 4: Mind Readers

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The restaurant is a lot fancier than I was expecting. I have never been inside Romano's myself, but I had thought I heard enough from others to get a general idea of the place.

I immediately realize I'm underdressed. Men and women, most of which are in their twenties and thirties, are dressed in an array of expensive suits and elegant dresses.

I walk up to the service desk to see a busy young man with dark hair. "Excuse me, I believe someone is expecting me." I say.

He looks at me with serious brown eyes. "Name?"

"Daniella Benton." I say nervously.

He looks at what seems to be a list. "It appears they haven't arrived yet. Would you like to go ahead and be seated?" He talks fast.

"Uhm... sure." I mumble. His sharp to the point style of speaking and moving causes me to somehow overthink my every breath.

He starts walking quickly. "Follow me, please."

He leads me to a nice, quiet table near the back of the restaurant, and helps me with my chair. "Would you like anything to drink while you wait?"

"Water please."

He nods and leaves in long quick strides. I take some time to catch my breath. I'm not too nervous about this, but I wasn't expecting to be so underdressed.

I'm wearing white jeans, a long sleeve blouse, and minimal jewelry. It takes me a few moments to finally feel comfortable enough to look up from the tablecloth and take in the scenery of the restaurant.

The restaurant as a whole is lively. Groups of men and women all seated at various tables. They all appear to be far above middle class, and well off considering their attire and confident body language. I glance up to notice the many crystal chandeliers that are giving the restaurant a warm glow.

While scanning the room I notice two other people in the restaurant that are waiting for someone else to arrive. The first person I see is on the other far end of the restaurant, a woman. She appears to be in her early forties, but it could be the amount of makeup mixed with the distance that's fooling my eyes. She's dressed lovely in a dark navy blue, almost black, dress that falls just above her ankles to reveal her heels. She appears to be studying something intently on her phone while she waits.

The other person I see that's waiting for someone is sitting a few tables away from me, a man. He appears to be in his late twenties due to his facial hair, and stern grey eyes. He's a very handsome man, no doubt. He smooths out his jet black suit and fixes his tie.

I take notice of his wrist watch which looks just as expensive as the chandeliers above. He smooths back his light brown hair and lets out a breath. He looks anxious by the sight of it.

His grey eyes lock with mine and I feel like I've been struck by lightning. He's not only handsome, he's strikingly gorgeous. I feel like I've taken a secret glimpse into his soul, and I already know him.

He has a good, no... a great job. He loves it for the money, though; he isn't actually happy with it. He's a perfectionist and a charismatic gentleman. He has an old soul. He likes to dance, but horrible doesn't begin to describe how bad he is at it. He's intelligent, and has a glass of wine while reading every at night.

The corner of his mouth turns up into a smile like he's confirming my thoughts. His smile slowly grows and spreads into a pearly white sweet grin that makes him appear younger than he is.

He never lets his eyes trail past my face as he analyzes my features. I feel my face flush and force myself to drag my eyes away from the handsome gentleman. I remind myself that I'm here on a date and he must be as well.

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