1 : Erwin and Levi.

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"She can't smile."

"Impossible! We should get Dr.Yeager to check on this!"

"'Ma'am Dr.Yeager is quite-"


"Ma'am there's a possibility that she could smile!"

"I knew it.."

"She needs to find her yellow."


"Something that'll make her emotions stable!"

"That's right!"

"Dear,we can't spoil her. She needs to be disciplined."

"But...Her smile!"

Your POV
I jolted awake not wanting to dream of the rest of the hell I went through at home. I yawned realizing it was at least...6 in the morning still. I had an hour or so until training starts,I was in the 104th Cadet Corps,I decided to test how far this quote, 'hell hole' can go...but also to see if I can get myself killed when I joined the scouts...and maybe,just maybe I could have power over my parents,no,my father. I grabbed my necessities to get ready for the day,such as my clothes and towel with my undergarments and bra,I made my way to the shower quietly.

I placed my clothes on a bench [I forgot how the shower rooms looked like so I'm making my own one up.] and hung my towel on one of the shower's cubical door. I turned on the water to warm,I liked how the water hits my shoulders like rain. Despite not being able to smile,I can find the joy in doing little things such as showering or making random theories that somehow end up right. I can force a smile,but it just hurts more than it hurt when I was quote,'disciplined' by my father back in the Karanese district inside Wall Rose. I turned off the shower head to see some muffled speaking, "I'll tell you about the cadets now. First off we have-....." Inaudible. I sighed figuring it was Shadis complaining about the cadets again,I quickly dried myself off and wore my clothes. I sprinted off of the dining hall not wanting to miss breakfast,I got in line for my food. I carefully made my way to the furthest corner from where everyone presumably sits. I honestly expected my top bunked roomie to appear first,but it was someone else,2 people entered first. One was tall,very tall,and the other was short,but I think he was taller than me. I looked like I could be about his shoulder height. Tall guy had blonde hair slid to the right,the other was a ravenette with an undercut. Blondie also had thick eyebrows and cheekbones, where the ravenette had ... literally and expressionless face,like he could give a damn about the world. They took notice of my observing so I looked back down onto my breakfast to see a hand creeping onto my potato,I looked to my right to see Sasha attempting to steal it. I sighed and gave her my whole plate,I wasn't that hungry despite being underweight enough. I stood up head facing down, turning left to leave as I bumped into...Eyebrows. "I'm sorry sir. I did not mean to bump into you." I looked up and slightly bowed at him. "That's fine Cadet L/N." My eyes widened barely and I looked up at him,he was charming but sad me, my 'smiling disorder' decided to prevent me from finding further attraction towards him. Which I was lucky because he seemed to be my superior. "How did-" "Shadis told me." I wasn't too surprised because I had overheard their conversation just now. "My name is Erwin Smith. Commander of the Survey Corps." he looked down of my small figure,it took a minute to process waht he said. Commander? Command....Shit! I immediately saluted at him and he seemed to chuckle at my slow reaction. Shorty on the other hand clicked his tongue and grabbed me by the collar. "Next time think quicker, brat." "Sir, I request of you to please put me down." "Have some respect to your superiors disgusting thing,tch." I sighed and grabbed his wrist, "Don't touc- Agh!" I twisted his wrist slightly but made sure he was still able to battle. Erwin,let out a barely audible chuckle, "Commander,are you sure that you should be chuckling at at an acquaintance getting injured?" I tilted my head to my side a little,he seemed shocker at my sense of hearing but I ignored that. "What the hell brat?!'' Shorty,kinda annoyed at him calling me brat all the time but I'll let that go. "It should be healed in a day,I didn't twist it that much. He glared at me angrily,Erwin just watched silently after my comment on him chuckling. "I'm sorry about Levi here. He's a grumpy Corporal...and please call me Erwin,Ms L/N." I wanted to laugh so badly at his comment on shorty,it sucked to not be able to smile and laugh. "Alright then...Erwin..." I stated as I started sprinting away for training. "What the fuck Eyebrows?! She's just a brat." "She seems to-..." inaudible again. I sighed as breakfast ended,I swiftly made it to the training grounds. We we're learning hand-to-hand combat today,"BUT BEFORE THAT YOU IMBECILES,WE HAVE 2 SPECIAL GUESTS!!" his voice boomed all the way to the back row. I assumed it was Shorty and Eyebrows,"MEET CORPORAL LEVI AND COMMANDER ERWIN SMITH IDIOTS!"

Whispering and gossiping

Levi...that name... Oh! Humanities strongest person,soldier..thing. "SHUT UP!" Shadis barked making everyone salute in silence and obedience. Shadis then appointed someone to someone to soar with each other,he also 'encouraged' us to use our own techniques and skills. Okay,nice. I'm the odd one out,wonderful! Just as I thought I wouldn't be able to soar with anyone, "L/N WILL SPAR WITH THE CORPORAL!!" What.in.the.fuck.of.fucks. Why me?! I was pissed,so fucking pissed I could take my anger out on shorty. Everyone started gasping and pitying me,have some faith in others for once seriously! I sighed as I walked over to Mr Shorty,"Tch, so we meet again brat." "Yup,isn't pleasant." I trailed off into my thoughts as Shorty gets into a fighting stance,so he's playing offense huh. Guess it's payback for the damage I did to his wrist. I got into my defensive stance as Shorty charged at me with a wooden dagger,I let my subconsciousness take over me and I grabbed his twisted wrist,twisted it more and threw him behind my right shoulder. Everyone looked at me shocked at how I threw someone taller than me so easily. "Just a helpful advice,don't leave your injured wrist open. It'll create an opening for the defendant and put you in a disadvantage." He looked like he could blow up, "Once more?" I scoffed at him. He tossed me the dagger fast enough to make a scar,I caught the dagger and trapped it in between my index and middle finger. I whistle at his throw to piss him off,anger issues hm. Erwin again,watched silently but I could tell he was enjoying the show.

After training I had half of my dinner and gave the rest to Sasha,I swiftly made my way to my bedroom and didn't bother to shower because I wanted some sleep. I got changed into my F/C night gown and hopped into my bed. I slowly drifted to sleep.

That's the end of the Chapter! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. The plots might seem confusing throughout the story but it'll get better...hopefully... :)
- Zenii

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