2 : River Tears.

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I'm back from school >:) Here's chapter 2 I guess-- /// : Timeskip
﹕D R E A M﹕
"Agh! Father please sto-AH!"  I kept screaming as father whipped me,there were already red lines and a tiny bit of blood on my bare back. Tears were streaming down on my face,"Honey please! Stop! She's only 5!" "Tch,fine." He whipped me once more for the 23rd time. "HONEY! YOU SAID YOU'D STOP,JUST BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T SMILE DOESN'T MEAN SHES NUMB!" I fell onto the ground and everything went black from there.


I jolted awake to the sound of a gun, I ran downstairs to see father grabbing onto mommy's arm desperately as...2 men tried to..kidnap her? 2 other men were point a gun a father as I felt someone creep behind me, I was kicked down the stairs with warm liquid oozing off my head,I was beside my father's keg as my vision started to get blurry. "I...love you Y/N. I'm sorr-"


Everything then went black for me.

I jolted up away tears streaming down my face. You...why didn't you tell me that sooner?! I could've wanted to avenge you.. I started to cry silently with my pillow over my face,I was taking a guess that it was 2 in the morning. After my dumb sobbing I decided to make some tea for myself to fall asleep despite it being past curfew,I quietly opened the door shutting it behind me and making my way to the kitchen. Green tea or black tea...  It wasn't long until I found myself in the kitchen,I opened the upper cabinet slowly to avoid making any sounds and grabbed a teacup,I took a black tea teabag and boiling some water. It was at least 3 minutes until the water started bubbling and the kettle started whistling. I placed the teabag into the cup and poured some water letting the bag soak,flavouring the hot water. I took out the teabag and threw it into a nearby bin,I held the tea to my nose having a sniff of the tea then started drinking it slowly,it was peaceful until I heard a creak. I jumped up at the noise thinking it was a cadet watching me,nope,worse.

It was Shorty.

"What are you doing here brat?It's past curfew." I sighed at him and turned back to my cup which was lowered down to my lower chest area,"Drinking tea,sir.I couldn't sleep." I placed the teacup onto the counter and saluted,he stared at me. Oh shi- "Why were you crying." it wasn't a question, but a command. I started into his narrowed steel-gray eyes,I dropped my hand then picked up the cup again. "Just a dream..or an unheard conversation I had with my...'Father',sir." I exaggerated the word Father,he never acted like one til the end...but before he..perished. "Tch,you can call me by my name when we're alone." "Alright,shorty." I looked back into my cup taking another sip,when I lowered the cup I saw his expression change from stoic to mad,"What did you say?" his right eye was twitching and the veins his head looked like it could pop at any moment,I had an amused look in my eye but of course,he didn't see it because my lovely 'Smile disorder' decided that it was fun to block that amusement in my eyes. "You're short. I'm shorter,but stronger. I want rights." I looked back down at my cup realizing it was just a white circle underneath,I must've finished it,I walked and placed the cup in the sink. "So why are you here Shorty?" "One,stop calling me that. 2) Same reason as you." What if I.."So you cried?" he looked like he would punch me which got me amused,"NO I did NOT." I sighed and walk away,are you gonna make your tea or no? "Stay here. That's an order." I hummed softly debating if I should, eventually I gave in knowing that I would've wanted some company until I was sleepy. Shorty had also grabbed a black tea teabag,he has taste in tea,nice.


I woke up again with a better reason to join the Survey Corps,making my parents proud. I had other hopes...

To find my yellow.

I got ready and had my same routine,but this time when I was getting my food..."Oi brat." Shorty called from behind me with Eyebrows,I turned around as they stared down on me,I can't lie eyebrows could look good with his face on an egg..I stopped my train of shower thoughts, "Yes sir?" I asked while holding my food,"Come sit with us Ms-" "Please call me Y/N...Erwin." I placed my food down saluting them. "Alright then Y/N,would you like it sit with us for breakfast?" I stood with the pair silently in for a split moment,I nodded my head as I grabbed my food and followed them. They had a table which was at the right corner beside the doors into the dining hall,I sat down across from them furthest to the corner and picked up my spoon full of bland soup.

That dream...Why did he abuse me when he 'loves' me? That's shit but...at least he loved me..but what if it's-

"Y/N?" My train of thoughts came to a halt as I realized soup was spilling down back to the bowl,"Sorry,I got distracted.." I placed the spoon back into the bowl stirring the soup then taking spoonfuls,Sasha came right on time. I was already on half a bowl,I split the stake bread in an uneven half and give the bigger portion to Sasha. She ran off noticing the presence of the 2 higher ups,I chewed on my bread slowly,"Why'd you do that?" "Wasn't hungry." I continued chewing until all the bread was gone. "So,tell us about yourself Y/N." I sighed a bit bothered,but I didn't make it noticable. "Y/N F/N,15,First-year,4'9 [Sorry for putting oc height,I wanted it this way so it's logical that y/n has advanced agility.],parents...none.." I softly said the last part,Shorty looked at me with a little pity in his eyes. Eyebrows just looked at me blandly,"If you don't mind me asking,what happened to them Y/N?" I hesitated for awhile.


I started playing with my nails holding back my tears. Eyebrows look at me with sorrow knowing that I saw it all,Shorty...looked at me with full pity in his eyes. "I have training soon. Thank your for this conversation.."

Levi's POV

"I know..."

"Tch,who knew she'd show up here..."

"Right. Will we tell her?"

"No. It's for the best."

"We should tell her soon,we can't keep it a secret forever."


END OF CHAPTER!! :) Who do you think the murderers are and why Y/N's parents were murdered? I love being mastermind of the plots,I won't lie. I feel powerful..

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