3 : Training.

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Fuck it,here's chapter 3. I wrote this yesterday...because I was bored so enjoy.
Your POV
I made it to training grounds, apparently we were using the 3D maneuver gear for the first time today,we had already went through the aptitude test so we're qualified to use the gear,apparently shorty and eyebrows wanted to see how good we were with the agility and gear. As well as our body coordination. I placed my cadet Corps jacket aside and studied the straps as everyone went head-on and jumbled the straps on them,some got stuck,some luckily got it on,some just fell down. There were some buckles so I slid on the straps,it was harder than I thought but I managed,I then lifted the metal boxes which contained the swords and spare blades and clipped them to my sides. I then attached the gas panel as with the buckle at the back,I stood up and got dragged down to side to side as I had underestimated how heavy the casings can be,I stood up after regaining my normal strength and walked over to Shadis. He gave us a briefing and a quote,'motivatonal' speech which only worked since eyebrows and shorty were observing us,we headed into the forest where presumably stood there titan dummies.

I shot an anchor towards a branch of a huge and thick tree and let the gas do it's work,I started shooting the anchors to more trees swinging left and right enjoying the feeling of wind brushing my H/L H/C hair,I found the first titan dummy and shot my left anchor to it's arm and the right one to it's nape,I drew the swords and sliced the nape leaving splinters on the wood.

Erwin's POV
I watched Y/N's H/L H/C hair sway in the wind as she zig-zagged along the branches,I could sense the enjoyment in her eyes. She doesn't smile but she can enjoy things, interesting...

She kept flying around as her eyes darted towards a titan dummy,most likely a 6 meter class. That's where I saw it,I didn't realize it until now,she's Serevaine's granddaughter..

She swings freely around almost like she...has The Wings of Freedom.

My eyes slightly widen at that sudden thought,could she really be-
"Eyebrows! What are you so shocked about." "Nothing,Levi..Just a thought." He looks at me confused but amused by how many titans Y/N had already killed,he seemed...almost enthralled. Y/N was covered in sweat as it rolled her body making part of her white shirt transparent,I darted my eyes away as she makes it first back to the entrance of the forest. I looked back at her,She looks so...ho- No,keep your composure Erwin! I stopped myself from the lustful possibilities and thoughts from taking over me,this was the first time I almost lost my composure to another female besides Marie...not to mention a cadet. I took a deep breath and chained my emotions away for the moment,I hope Y/N didn't take notice. She can read people quite well.

Your POV
I heard Eyebrows take a deep breath I was sweating and panting lightly from how much I moved my body,Shorty was just staring at me,"Try sketching a portrait of me,I'm sure you can stare at it forever." I snapped at him, he kept staring at me,"Your shirt. It's getting transparent." I sighed and walked over to him,our faces were nearly inches apart. "Then would you mind showing me where the towels are,sir?" He clicked his tongue and pointed to a bench where fluffy towels rested,I made my way over there and picked one up. Were they always this fluffy? I thought as I dapped the towel on the spots where my sweat had gotten to making them less transparent. I then hung the towel behind my neck and made my way over,a few cadets had already stood there hands on their knees bent down panting vigorously. I sighed at their weaker figures and sat on the grass infront of them,I brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on them thinking about the dream I had today. I realized I was being stared at by the cadets,eyebrows and shorty. "I'm sorry." I stood up I walked to the side of the entrance. I leaned on a tree beside my shoulder.

Where is mom anyways...she could be dead...maybe in the underground?!--- No,she'd be killed or..raped in an instant..I guess I could only think that she's-

"L/N." I heard Shorty's monotone voice as a hand got placed on my shoulder,almost instinctively I grabbed the wrist of that hand,twisted it and shoved it away. Until I realized it was Shorty,"Don't...Don't touch me,please." I said softly shifting my gaze to the ground,I shivered slightly at the memory of Father squeezing my shoulders so tightly it could burst. I placed a hand on one side of my face,hoping to not feel any tears,thank Walls there were none. I sighed and I shifted my gaze back to the pair,Eyebrows looked...concerned while Shorty looked rather shocked at my reaction. I pushed myself away from the tree and walked over to where the rest of the cadets are,I felt huge hand on my wrist as I jerked my wrist away,"Y/N..What happened with you and your father." How did eyebrows figure out that it was him... My eyes widened at his comment,"How..." He let out a sigh and stood straight up,"Come with me I'll explain everything..." Could've this also means mom's disappearance?! I looked at him shocked and hesitant,I finally gave in and agreed as I followed him to his office. Shorty trailed behind us.

Eyebrows shut the door behind him once Shorty and I stepped into the room. He pointed at the chair infront of him and got into his own chair,"Y/N,I hope you will listen closely. This includes your mother's disappearance,your grandfather and your father." he sighed, my eyes widened, Grandpa? What does he have to do with this?! He took a deep breath and exhales calming his nerves down as his mouth started to open. I was so eager to know what happened with mom...I really hoped she wasn't dead,she's the only one I have left.

"Y/N your-"

Cliffhanger?Yes. Here's chapter 3! It's shorter than my previous chapters but...here!..I made this yesterday at 23:25PM,well I'm typing this form yesterday so yes. Working on chapter 4...

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