02 | Rose

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"C'mon Rose, were going to be late for school!" Zack shouted up the stairs, his voice laced with irritation.

I knew that he was lying about us being late. There's still half an hour until school started and it was only a ten minute drive. He just wanted to be early so he could see his girlfriend. I don't blame him, though. She is the sweetest person I know and you can't help but want to be around her all the time.


I stared at myself in the mirror and rolled my eyes at my brothers impatience. He should have know better than volunteering to drive me to school. I'm a girl and it takes me longer to get ready than him, hence why I'm taking so long.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back and tie my black hair into a ponytail. I examined the back of my head in my mirror, finally feeling satisfied with my hair. Zack should be thankful that I don't have a bad hair day or else we would probably be late for school.

Zack was already in the car when I came down the stairs, honking at me continuously. I get that he's frustrated, but it's not my fault. One of dad's many rules is that I should be always be with one of my brothers when I leave the house, unless I'm with my friends. Basically, I can't be alone when I'm outside the house. It's dad's crazy way of always keeping me safe.

I'll be honest, it can get extremely tiring when I have to ask someone to go with me every time I want to go somewhere.

Zack gives another loud honk and I huff, rushing out the house with my schoolbag in one hand and water bottle in the other. I climb in the car and buckle up, before Zack takes off to school.

"You know, you could always just tell dad that you dropped me off. I can walk to school on my own," I say, in hopes of getting some freedom. But I know that the chance is basically slim to zero.

"And risk getting killed by dad? No thanks. And besides I have a car and so does Luke, why would you want to walk?" He laughs like it's the funniest thing he's ever heard.

I just laugh awkwardly along with him and turn to look outside at the passing scenery. At school, I'm known as the quite kid with the outgoing, athletic brothers. Luke is the football captain and Zack is the basketball teams captain. I'll admit, I don't talk much at school or anywhere else really for that matter. But that's just how I am. I don't like talking, I just listen.

Ten minutes later we pull up at the school parking lot and I dash out of the car, wanting to get away from Zack before he starts with his 'be careful' speech again. He is just as overprotective as my dad, although dad is slightly more crazy. Luke is also protective, but not as bad. He's the more normal one, just looking out for me, rather than withholding from life.

I pace to my locker and take out all the books I'll be needing. Maths, English and the dreaded Chemistry. Every student has that one teacher and subject that they strongly dislike and mine just so happens to be Chemistry. I've tried, time after time, to be positive about it, but when you have a horrible teacher teaching an even more horrible subject, you just can't help the negativity.

"Good morning, love!" A shrill voice fills the halls and I almost knock myself out right there and then. Keyword being almost.

Shelly comes strolling towards me in yet another cringe-worthy outfit. A pair of leopard print leggings, a bright pink t-shirt and a pair of yellow boots. Just seeing the colours together already makes my eyes hurt. I honestly love my best friend, but sometimes I wish she'd have just a little more fashion sense, rather than throwing on the first thing she sees in her closet.

Next to her is Ava, who's eyeing the strange specimen from the corner of her eye and trying her best not to laugh. Most days Shelly style annoys her through the roof, seeing as she's a major fashion diva. The fact that she also wants to be a fashion designer doesn't help Shelly's case much either.

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