10 | Zack

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"What do you kids think you are doing?"

A burly police officer comes waddling up to us with a donut in his right hand and a flashlight in the other. Luke looks over at me with annoyance.

He hates being the look out, but since he can't pick a lock to save his life, he's got no choice.

He stands up with a frustrated sigh and goes over to the officer. The officer seems confused but it doesn't last long until Luke shocks him with a taser in the neck. He doesn't even get time to react.

The man falls down unconscious immediately, leaving his donut to roll down the hallway. I turn back to what I was doing, jiggling the tension wrench and screw driver in the lock. A few seconds later I hear the satisfying sound of a soft click.

"We're in," I mutter.

Luke walks closer with Lillith behind him. I open the door and Lillith push past me, heading straight to the computer. We're currently inside a museum, following up on the only lead we have to finding our sister.

We've been searching for her for almost two weeks. At first we went around town asking if anyone had seen her, then moving over to the next town and then the next and the next, until we've searched every town within a 100 mile radius, but we got nothing. That alone took us three days.

Lillith had stayed behind and went through the evidence we had on Scar. It wasn't much. Only information about possible warehouses and mansions of his, but our main priority was finding Rose and there's just no use in looking for him.

He's basically a ghost. It would be stupid to go up against him, just the three of us. His soldiers would kill us before we even get talk to him.

So after that we decided to look for clues and a week later we found one. We went through school footage over and over, and found that after Rose and Ryder left the building, a third man had followed them, dressed in the schools janitor clothes.

We didn't think much about it, seeing as it's not uncommon for a janitor to go out the back door. We thought he was just going out for a smoke or something.

However, when we asked the school about him, they said they had no record of him working there. In fact, nobody knew who he was. So we searched around some more and now here we are, inside of the museum, finding information about a guy named 'Bruce Wells' who works here.

"According to the museums files, he's been working here for three months as one of the museums security guards." Lillith types away on the computer, her eyes flying over the screen.

"It says here that his name is Arnold Smith. If that's even his real name." Lillith looks up from the computer.

"What's his address?" Luke asks, looking out the door and down the hallway again.

"22 Pinewood. Somewhere on the outskirts of town."

"Time to pay him a little visit." I stand up, preparing to leave, but Lilith stops me.

"Wait a minute. Now let's take a breather and think about this first. You guys can't just barge in there like that. What if he has associates living with him. You would be screwed."

I laugh dryly.

"He should be worried about us, not the other way around. And besides, people like that never live in groups. If someone found there hiding place, all of them would be caught at once."

Lillith sighs frustratingly.

"So what? You're just going to trespass into jis house and pick a fight with him?"

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