08 | Rose

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I don't say anything. In fact, I'm too shocked and overwhelmed to do anything.

How on earth did we end up thousands of miles from home?

"I- How- I- What?" I splutter out, my brain running a hundred miles per minute, trying to think of at least one logical reason as to why we're here. But I come up with none.

"I don't know, Rose. Nothing makes sense at the moment."

"Yeah, no kidding. I mean, if we were kidnapped and flown all the way to Australia, then how did we end up in the woods?" I ask, extremely confused.

Ryder shakes his head and starts the car up again. He pulls up on the road, this time on the left side and continues driving.

"I have no idea. All I remember from before we woke up was walking in the woods with you and then everything going dark. I just don't know how we ended up in the woods," Ryder seems to be thinking really hard.

"But that's what I don't understand. Why would they dump us in the woods only to come get us a week later?"

Ryder simply shakes his head, just as baffled as I am.

We stay silent for the rest of the ride, both of us thinking and processing things. My problem is not so much the fact that were in Australia, but rather the fact that the people who kidnapped us, had to take us all the to Australia. If that doesn't scare me, I dont know what will.

Which means that we most likely won't be able to go the police because they will just think were a bunch of American tourist kids, joking around. That, and we don't know who these people after us are. I've watched enough TV shows to know that the police can't exactly be trusted. For all we know, they could be working for these people and the most dangerous thing now, would be to give ourselves away.

We currently have an advantage. No one knows where were going or where we are. I'd like to keep it that way.

"So I was thinking," I turn to face Ryder, ready to tell him my plan. "If we get to this town, we sell the SUV for the cheapest price we possibly can and then by another cheap one with the money. We then drive to a more secluded place and stay low for-"

"I have a cousin in Australia," Ryder interrupts me, a small smile on his face. "I was thinking I could call him and we could maybe stay at his place."

I raise my eyebrows, thinking it over. Though, there's not much to think about. This is the only option we really have at the moment.

"Well, I guess that works too," I smile back at Ryder.

Ten minutes later we arrive at the town. It's your average small town, with a supermarket, a few restaurants and a bank. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought we were still in America.

Ryder stops at a public phone and parks the car, taking of his seatbelt and looks at me.

"I'm quickly going to call my cousin. Lock the doors when I'm out okay?"

I nod my head and Ryder exists the car, running to the telephone. I lock the doors and look around. There's a few people walking on the sidewalks, going in and out of shops and buildings. Nobody even pays us any mind, to which I am grateful, because that's the last thing that we need right now.

I look over at Ryder and see he's already done talking and walking back to the car. I open the doors and Ryder jumps in, closing the door behind him and starts the engine.

"My cousin said that we are just a few hours away. We can stay with him until he sorts everything out," Ryder says as he starts driving again.

I smile and nod my head.

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