The Knight's Princess

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Sorry for taking so long , honestly I wanted to update asap, but writer's block ,uff.😩

2 years later, after the events of finale.

Adem tucks the blanket around his princess. A smile advances on his lips as he caresses her golden locks.
The girl plays so much ,she's even made him too tired to restart work again. He eventually decides to lay beside Eje.
He spreads his legs on the bed and comfortably rests his head on the pillow fixated on the wall.

The breath escaped his lungs in a quick sigh of relief at the faint remembrance of the disturbing past days he's left behind.

It was as if he fought with the world to be with his daughter.
But now it's different, it's peaceful. The past's uncertainties finally drifted off his chest.

Into the Past

Adem felt the space between him and Yasemin for the first time . The chilly ambience accompanying him in Yasemin's absence. Her fingers interwoven into his, her welled eyes matching his , is when, he knew he wanted her to stay back,
and that he would protect her from every threat that tried to touch her , but it was too late now. She had already gone ,and possibly boarded the flight.

Adem didn't want to leave the airport. His chest was overburdened with the internal conflicts he overcame throughout the day. He was unsettled , his mind running aimlessly in the resurfaced chaotic thoughts . He wanted to stay ,
wait for her return, but where would he take her? And what relationship did he share with her to shape her life?

Wasn't he proving Nevin's accusations true? " No, it was right to send her faraway , she will be safe", he assured himself forcefully .

The mail was the last thing in his mind to think about.
He was gradually fading into the huge background. The energy leaving his body but he couldn't help but notice , how lifeless Karatan mansion looked without her.

The place where she was trapped for so many miserable years
in a toxic, excruciating life, with its abusive, psychopath owner; rightfully deserved it .

Only if he could know why he missed her so much, why his heart was filled with so much grief and void now.
"Adem". The voice brought zeal to his lifeless body , "she couldn't go" he beamed with joy as he turned to face her. His face was evident of the gloom her absence had caused him, but now there are bubbles of joys laid in.
They descend towards each other , the proximity increasing between them every moment.

Adem knows now why he was so drawn to her, why he wanted to quit the job initially, why her pain would cause a burning sensation within.

He holds her, as the quivering lips meet , the realization at last for him.
and suddenly she's gone. Vanished into the dust. She isn't here anymore like she was some moments ago.
The delusional kiss's eternal imprint that Yasemin left him with, as reality strikes him.

To be continued...

I know Yasemin and Asem had just started to feel for each other, and here I showed Adem's realization of love ,which doesn't sits right, but then I didn't want to write about the past events(I didn't know how to develop things between them, because the scriptwriters rushed everything 👀) so we all need to assume that they at this point are in love .

Sorry for the mistakes , I have just begun to write, but I will be updating asap, thanks so much for reading.😅

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