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Yasemin beamed as the whole room applauded her in loud claps and cheers

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Yasemin beamed as the whole room applauded her in loud claps and cheers. She was finally bearing the fruits of her endeavors.

Tears welled in her eyes , but she blinked them away, quietly.
When she was left alone in there, she allowed those bursts of joys to flow down her cheeks.

She couldn't believe after so many miserable years , life would finally bring new avenues of happiness for her.
Just that, their was this insurmountable void ,that couldn't be filled ; of impossible, elusive love.

I couldn't let go of his hands. I wanted to be frozen in that moment, forever. But I knew I had to leave.
He didn't want me to stay . I couldn't risk his life by staying back.
His "I don't want you to leave Yasemin" also etched in my mind.

I wanted to turn a thousand times , to take note of every expression his face displayed then

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I wanted to turn a thousand times , to take note of every expression his face displayed then. I knew he was dejected and possibly heartbroken too.

However, I didn't turn back. I kept on moving.
I boarded the flight, I reached America, I even entered my new house, but I never let the mask of my fake euphoria fall.
I didn't show anything, to Furkan or anyone, I didn't feel anything.

I had bottled up so much of grief within me, that it was hard to carry the burden anymore.
Until I exploded in quiet lengths of my bathroom, in soft wiles and huge tears . It felt like hours .
I knew nothing could fix this.

I never thought I would start my Yeni Hayat like this; broken and miserable.
I wanted him to hug me. Assure me, comfort me, heal me ; like everytime he did.
Only to realize to my dismay, that we were miles apart , and my feelings had no future ahead.

Adem had once called Yasemin one of the strongest women he's ever known,
and she truly was.
She had been actively supporting the campaign against domestic violence. Her fierce vulnerability the shield of so many.

"Somebody who seems so strong and unbelievably dauntless, what can you know about pain?"
A woman had once asked her in the speech hall. "How can these women incorporate the hope you tell them to? "

"That's what the world sees ,Yasemin replied calmly.
The plain, dull ,unbelievably misleading exterior appearance to judge people, to judge their lives.

One smile is enough to fake it all.
That I had a loving husband and a fulfilling marriage.
But nobody cared to know beyond that illusion.
People give you sympathy if not help.
But they envied me, they all were jealous of my perfect life. A poor suburban girl living with the same lavish lifestyle as theirs.

My pain was hidden in the shadows. I was a prisoner of a dark world where I was tormented every day.
I couldn't flaunt those bruises.

Every time , I concealed my wounds, I wanted to quit .
You lose count of who you are as a person, when you live a life like mine.
This strength, it's taken a lot of pain and patience to grow and bear fruit of my liberty."


When Yasemin learned about Timur's imprisonment. She couldn't help but believe that karma actually did exist.
Her tormentor was a prisoner now. Tasting the overdose of his very own actions .

Everything falling into place now, Yasemin sipped coffee and relaxed in the soothing ambience.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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