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Nevin's lies broke me beyond damage. Her betrayal pushed me towards the edge .
We never had a relationship of mutual understanding, one where you hold hands and unburden each other from their worries or pain.
But hiding a truth as big as this  shook the very foundation of our relationship . Maybe I never really knew her.
When I read the DNA reports, I was shaking badly.
I know longer knew where I was,  what was right , what was wrong , if I was actually awake or it was just another dream? I lost control of myself.

The weight of the unfurled paper in my hand and the uneasiness in my chest was what I was aware of.

The tiny eyes that stared at me , when I first held her. Her tiny figure flooded me with so many unfamiliar feelings .

I witnessed myself being led by emotions.  I had never been so happy in my entire life and that I know I never will be. One could see the ocean of glee my face was submerged in .
"You have given me the greatest happiness of my life, darling, thank you so much ,Nevin". My beaming eyes looked at her with so much gratitude back then .

Everytime on the battlefield, when death felt close , the desire to meet her again, kept me alive, saved me from innumerable deaths.

Maybe it was because I had grown up as a parentless child , That I poured all the love I could gather, into her .
"She's inherited my eyes" , I always told Nevin ,when we indulged in fights about her features.

My baby girl, my life , My darling EJE was ; has, never been mine actually.

Tears chocked me completely. I couldn't gulp this ,never.
I wanted Nevin to speak up boldly that I assumed wrong.
But Nevin's silence confirmed it all, to my horror.

"Baba", Eje blurts in her sleep.

"Eje, how do you speak while sleeping, darling?"
My love didn't vanish after the revelation,  I loved her even more now ,and wanted to give all the love that I couldn't give her earlier . I loved her immensely, too much, so very much , to be uprooted by any truth.

11 months ago Timur Karatan's lies were exposed in front of the world, his fake image as a caring husband in the shadows of an animal and  his  illegal weapons supply to the criminals were revealed in the public .He was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment, Kunduzi was on  regular dates with the FBI and he couldn't run anywhere now.  Ferda dissapeared somewhere and Nevin, well Adem didn't want to live with a liar.

Adem slids his hand into Eje's hair, and decides to sleep for his mind's sake . Life was peaceful at last .
Only if she could be a part of it too..
But she was far away in her new life.
The reporters tried to locate Yasemin, to know more about everything she did to attain freedom, to escape her abusive husband. 
The search operation went long but she wasn't found. Maybe she simply didn't want to be found.

"but why would she want to return to a place that held her prisoner?"
The last thought on Adem's mind as he falls into a deep slumber.

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