Jail Training

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After they arrive to the the prison

The guards are escorting Izuku towards his cell when one speaks up and says "Your in luck, because All Might himself gave us permission to do anything to you." The grin on the guards face as he said that sent shivers down Izuku's spine.

Once he was in his cell

Izuku went over to the bed and laid down, still trying to comprehend what happened, slowly drifting off the sleep.

3 Months later

These 3 months had been hell for Izuku

Month 1-The guards have been hitting Izuku every chance they got and even allowing other prisoners, he has been nicknamed 'Stress relief'.

Month 2-Each morning Izuku has been feeling strange but always ignored it. Nothing has changed except for that strange feeling.

Month 3-The strange feeling just got stronger along with Izuku, he now has the strength to fight back along with a orange and black aura that surrounds him when he is using the strength. But one thing stuck inside Izuku's head *Where did this strength come from?*

Month 4 

In his cell

"So you are the child using my chakra?" Izuku looks up and see's a giant tiger with ten tails Zeus appeared as a sort of chakra ghost looking down on him with an angry stare "W-who are you and how are you speaking?" The ten tails explains to him all about chakra I don't know the full story on Chakra so let your mind go crazy. "So you are saying that I am your sort of host?" The ten tails nods and continues "Over time I will train with you and achieve better control over your chakra while increasing your limit of how much of my chakra you can use at once and to that, we have to merge." Izuku looks at the tiger confused "How do we merge?" The tiger tells Izuku to empty his mind and only think the tiger and his chakra.

After 5 minutes of meditating, Izuku starts feeling weird and looks to see the tiger only to find that has vanished.

After 10 minutes of Izuku trying to find out what this strange feeling was it stopped, Izuku started to fell warmer on his head and back, he puts his hand on his head and feels ears "WHAT!" He tries to pull them off thinking somebody somehow put them on him but when he pulled, pain was all he could feel, he got up decided to go to bed and pray for the morning to answer his questions.

End of this chapter brought to you by chibi kitsune deku snuggling up into his tail

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