The betrayal

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Izuku POV

"Hopefully my *yawns* late night training will pay off." I start walking towards my dorm noticing that everyone is in bed I rush as to avoid a scolding from Tenya (I will be calling people by there first names since I dont know how to spell there second). Once I find my bed I lye down and finally get some sleep.

In the morning

Still Izuku's POV

I wake up to... complete silence *uhh why is it silent?* I look at my clock and see that I'm 20 minutes late. Rushing to get ready, I get changed and activate ONE FOR ALL to get downstairs grab some bread and make it to UA as fast as I can.

When he gets to UA

I finally get into the school and start walking down the hall to see that people are staring at me like they are scared, brushing it off I get to the class door to hear murmurs. I walk into he class to be greeted by a kick to the stomach making me fumble back to catch my breath, I look up to see Tenya With an angry face "What the Fuck!?" They all look at me in surprise but still anger, finally Ochako (my crush) yells "Shut up villain, we know you gave the files to the LOV!" Hearing this made me cry *they think I stole the files?* before I could finish Mr Azawa said something that made my heart break "After this villain is gone, we will be getting a new student, her name is Crystal and she is very strong so everyone become her friend!" The class cheered while one thought was going through my head *They only care about power.... THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT POWER!* Before I knew it, All might had came into the class room and took ONE FOR ALL from me leaving the police to come in and take me away all while MY MOM was watching hugging Kacchan and calling HIM her POWERFUL SON it then dawned on me *My own mother even only cares about power?* I was left to have a mental break down and thrown into a swat van while all of UA cheered.

Little did they know, I would return but hey... I didn't even know that yet

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