UA's 4 months POV

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During the 4 months that Izuku was training, UA got a new student to replace him.

Name- Crystal (Im not creative)

Quirk- Crystallisation

Description- This quirk allows the user to cover there body in (durable) crystals enhancing there  defence, speed (by a tiny bit) and strength (by quite a lot).

Drawback- If the quirk is used to much or takes to much damage, the crystals will break and give the user half of the damage the crystals took.

Crystal's POV

As I walked into class, I saw a lot of people starring at me, a boy with blue hair and glasses stands up and introduces himself "Hello my name is Tenya! I hope we can be friends!" I look at him in confusion since during his whole introduction, he was doing a chopping motion with his hands "Ok? Hello my name is Crystal!" Everyone looks at me until they start shouting out questions "Whats your quirk?" and "is it powerful?" The teacher quietens them down so I can answer "My quirk is crystallisation *insert quirk details*" "And yes my quirk is powerful if I use it right." After I finish saying that everyone cheers, I go to sit down at my desk which is behind a boy called Katsuki Bakugo, I look down at my desk and see a name tag that says 'Izuku Midoriya' *Who's that, was that the previous owner of this desk?* I shrug it off an continue listening to the teacher.

4 months later 

Crystal POV

I've been in UA for 4 months now and i'm enjoying it, besides form every now and again when they shows signs of being power hungry, but I always just shrug it off.

Ive learnt a few things about this Izuku Midoriya, first he was the traitor and second that he was mean to the girls and always wen't overboard against them in battle training. He doesn't sound good, so if i ever meet him, i'm gonna destroy him, for the girls.

At the start Crystal with be gullible and believe 1a's lies, but after meeting him for the first time, she will doubt them and become aware to there true nature.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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