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Previously on "rooftop : Is This The End? Pt.2"

She slipped...



<Dahyun's POV>
Just as I was about to walk over to them just so I could be in Sana's embrace again.

I slipped...

"AHHH!!!" I shrieked, hoping someone would catch me.

But no...

All I felt was the fast paced breeze hitting my skin as I fall, only air supporting me from behind.

My life flashed before my eyes.

"Dahyun! Grandpa's home!"
"Me and Eomma will be back soon, Dahyun-ah..."
"Two people were found dead in the car crash, reportedly being Mr and Mrs Kim. The owners of the famous café in Seoul."
"Dahyun! Help me!"
"Goodbye, my grandchild..."
"Dahyunnie, hug me!"
"Thanks, bro!
"Dahyun, let's grab lunch."
"We appreciate you so much, Kim Dahyun."


I can't die...

I have to continue my life. I had a chance of being happy...


Everything went black...

<Author's POV>
Dahyun hit the cold hard ground. She landed on the sidewalk. She laid there, lifeless, as she drowned in the puddle of her own blood.

Meanwhile with the others, Mina was already dialing 112 (Korea's 911).

But Sana? She was already running down the stairs, faster than she ever ran. All for Dahyun, the love of her life...

Sana didn't care if everything was taken from her. As long as she has Dahyun, nothing is impossible.

But now... Her true love was on the verge of dying. Bound to lose her life any second...

"DAHYUN-AH!!!" Sana screamed sadly when she saw the horrid sight of Dahyun. Eyes closed, bones broken, blood dripping from the head, basically lifeless...

She ran to Dahyun's body and quickly kneeled down to hug her. She laid Dahyun's head on her lap as she caressed the pale girl's cheek and stroking her hair.

"Dahyunnie... Don't leave me..! Please hang on!"

Then, loud sirens could be heard. Help was here. All that is left for the others to do is hope and pray that Dahyun would be okay...

The paramedics put Dahyun on a stretcher and placed her in the ambulance.

"Please let me come with you! I can't bear not to being with her when she's in this state!" Sana pleaded to one of the paramedics.

The female paramedic who looked like she was in her mid 20s sighed and agreed.

As they rode in the ambulance, Sana held Dahyun's arm tightly, not wanting to let go. Afraid that she'll pass away once she loosens her grip and separates her hand from Dahyun's.

Once they had reached the hospital, the paramedics rapidly pushed Dahyun's spiritless body across the halls of the building. Later on joined by doctors.

"Caller said the patient ad committed suicide by jumping off the abandoned 10-story building on *** Street." The same female paramedic explained.

The doctor sighed, "Most suicide patients seem to be kids. Something's wrong with today's generation...". But the doctor stated the truth.

Once they had entered the operation room and shut the door. Sana couldn't feel her knees anymore. She collapsed on the cold tile floor and cried.

Meanwhile with the others...

The others had just arrived and immediately asked the woman at the desk for a patient named 'Kim Dahyun'.

"Kim Dahyun... Hmm.. Oh! Here. She's currently in Operation Room #3. To get to it's waiting room, go to the hallway on the left, go forward, and then turn right."

They dashed through the halls and found Sana, on the floor, sobbing...

"Hey... It's going to be alright." Eunwoo reassured the crying Japanese and held her shoulder.

Sana looked up and stared at Eunwoo sadly with tears running down her face.

"He's right, Sana-yah... Our eagle is a strong fighter. Have some faith..." Momo came and said. She kneeled down and caressed Sana's arm.

Sana had a handful of emotions running through her right now. She hugged her best friend tightly and cried.

"I want her back, Momo..."

Sana wanted Dahyun back.

Everything was gonna be okay...

... or will it?

I updated this at 2 in the morning TwT

Don't judge ;-;

rooftop // saida ft. 2yeon, michaeng, jitzu, mochulWhere stories live. Discover now