one dumb bitch

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Tw//: f slur

"What the absolute fuckin-" I shouted as I bumped into someone my coffee spilling all over my God forsaken robes it was iced so it didn't burn of course what do you expect I'm chaotic bisexual with demon energy I don't drink hot coffee that's disgusting just like men haha.phew I didn't spill it on my new phone and books but I didn't really care about the books. I thought to myself.

I looked up too see who bumped into me oh God wow what a start what a fucking start it was non other then the holy bitch herself Anna why her. "Are you blind" I exclaimed oh how I hate her with a passion she's the most conservative dumb homophobic bitch ever.

"Oh I'm sorry" she said with the fakest smile ever

"You should be" I said I was walking away when I heard her and her stupid friend Cassy whisper "fag"

Oh hell no this is the last sraew I pulled out my wand walked to her fast put it on her neck and said

"listen here you good for nothing dumb slut I will not hesitate to crucio your dumb ass into the muggle world  if I ever and I repeat myself ever see you say that word again"

She gulped In cowardice. Good I thought to myself and by now all the people were looking at us some were giggling mostly first years. Some looked at me shocked some just smirked so did I and just when I was boutta walk away to my transfiguration class

"Miss l/n"a deep monotone voice said behind me great just great amazing. Now thoughts rushed through my mind was he was here the whole time how did I not see him why did no one tell me well fuck I'm in trouble actually no why would I be in trouble I just shut the homophobe down. Seeing snape approach me everyone scurried to their classes

"Yes professor snape" I said "detention with me for threatening a fellow student and 10 points from hufflepuff"he said his voice still monotone

"Wow I always knew you'll side slytherin but I never knew you'll side a homophobe she clearly called me a unacceptable slur sir and you let her go off like that shows a lot about your personality too prof" I sneered back at him without hesitation he did not scare me in the slightest. He might scare everyone else but not me I always vowed to myself being a daughter of l/n I'd never be scared or intimidated my anyone.

He stood there with slightest hint of shock in his face " very well miss l/n 20 more points for talking back to a professor and 2 weeks of detention see you in class"as he was walking away I yelled "I'll do it again bop bop bop" in my usual sassy voice I was known for being bold ; he ignored me.

Next I saw my best friend walking up to me and he yelled
"YES QUEEN YOU TELL EM" next I saw Hailey running up to us she also sassed "PERIODT MISS GURL"

I laughed. The day was boutta go absolutely amazing I rolled my eyes and thought in my head Nate was in his 7th year while me and Hailey were in our 6th years we became friends from my first year here and from then on the alphabet mafia trio was inseparable. Nate is a gay bitchhh and Hailey is a lesbian and I  am a hoe According to them at least.

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