snape's gigantic badonkadonk

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Long ass chapter

Y/n love :
Me and priti just got done from the damn jewellery shop it took us a while she didn't let me see what she was buying so I decided to sneak around a little and buy her that necklace. "Where we off to now" she asked in such a happy tone that it almost made me melt

"I think we should go to the ground right behind the greysie's(bitch I just made that name up pussy talented) bakery" I said cuz umm nobody ever came to that place and I like quite places

"Sure let's go" priti said a little hint of excitement in her voice ha cute.( Simp ass bitch but we stan bi pirate)

"Hey priti it's kinda a long walk hold on to my arm tight" I said to priti

"Wait you know how to apparate" she asked a little surprised

"Yes, yes I do pri my slytherin mom's taught me about magic and apparation alot at home" I told her
"Impressive" was the only thing she said before we apparted in the ground

" I love this place it's peace and quite no one comes here often" she said right after we apparted

"Sameeee gurl it's one of my fav places to come too" I said even tho I didn't come here often I still liked it

Third person pov:

Now the young ladies lay on the soft grass just enjoying themselves they summon some food as they forgot to bring some ( cuz you're a dumbass forgetful bitch start doing sum with yo life :)  ) they both stared into the sky talking about what they wanted to do after graduating hogwarts priti wanted to work at the ministry and y/n always wanted to become an auror this date was one of the best y/n had cuz priti didn't wanna hook up on the first date (maybe on the secondᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ)

" Umm priti we should do this more often" y/n said kinda nervous for her reply

"Of course I was boutta say the same thing" priti said happily

"We should bring books and paint next time it'd be cute" y/n said as she knew priti was absolutely obsessed with books and art now wonder she was late today cuz she lost track of time in the library

"Yes omg" priti got hella excited

Y/n pov:
"Fuck fuck fuck pri we're late for class"I said panicked
"Oh shit can you apparate us back"priti said hurriedly this is the the only class priti and y/n didn't have together she had muggle studies while I had dada with quirrel ha quirrel he was a timid bitch he ain't giving no one detention priti might get into trouble but it's only been 5 minutes I hope she doesn't get in trouble I apparted us back while we were walking back talking we didn't see MR.FUCKING BIG BUTTED BLACK CLOAK approach us
"Ah miss l/n and miss ruhan" he said with sarcasm
"Umm yes professor" I said "actually prof save it we gotta go we're late" I said quickly after I made my first statement oh I know we're screwed I know he went to pomfrey to ask if we came or not. Priti looked stress
"Ok then miss l/n and miss ruhan have it your way detention with me 8pm sharp both of you I have to discuss somethings with you two"he sneered at us
"Ok we'll be there professor"
Priti said emphasizing on professor I didn't expect her to say it like that she sounded like she hated him with her guts well who doesn't hate him but yes shut him up (GO BESFRANNN)
"Greasy fucking virgin git" I murmured to myself
Priti just gave me a look of sympathy As we walked away to our classes I waved her goodbye she did the same.

*Time skippp*

As suspected that quirrel bitch ain't give me no detention I just got out of the class I saw Hailey and Nate walking towards me I started smiling like crazyyyy I wanted to tell them all about the date and all
"Heyyyy bitchhhhh" Nate said in his usual twink ass voice ( no hate towards twinks but y'all cis gay men get on my nerves sometimes y'all have the most transphobia in the community wtf anyway trans rights are human rights , we ain't forget the stone wall riots trans people gave us rights/pride)
"Gurll how did the date go and you lookin classy asf"hailey said while doing ooo thing guys do that cringy ass bitch (but she my bitch🥺) (that emoji be makin y'all look like bottoms oh oops y'all are bottoms hehe)
"Well looks like you had good seggs" Nate said lookin at his large ass acrylics I wonder how he wipe his butt with those on.
"I didn't fuck her dumbass now let me tell y'all about it"
I told em all about the kiss and how snape's dumbass wanted to interfere till he caught us coming back to the castle I told em all this while walking towards the great. Hall for dinner we sat on the hufflepuff table together we all were from different houses(hailey is a ravenclaw while Nate is gryffindor) but hufflepuff was chill and didn't give other houses weird looks so we sat their I look over to the slytherin table tho and saw priti smirking at me , bitchhhh why the hell you smirking

A/N//: Btw just to warn y'all I will put tws for shouting and shit but don't worry I won't include things self harm rape pedophilia and shit bcoz I don't vibe with things like that cuz it triggers my memories and almost every single book I've read has mentions of sh suicide and shit it makes me uncomfortable I just wanted to read a book without all that so I'm writing it also BITCH GO DRINK SOME FUCKING WATER YOU LOOK DE HYDRATED AND GO EAT SUM U BEAUTIFUL FUCK ALSO fucking daddy issues ass bitch ILY.

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