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An: idk here you go my single bitches(also don't act like u didn't need the picture of ruby)

Well it's time THAT MF GONNA KILL US I bid goodbye to my friends and they laughed and nate said "good luck y/n hope u 2 don't get punished" "I will end you and your family dumb bitch" I murmured to him I was walking over to prof. Snapeys class who even let this bitch be a teacher when I heard someone running behind me I looked priti as expected "hey" I said quietly "hi" she replied "look pri I'm really sorry it's my fault I got u into trouble" I said hurriedly cuz umm for the first time in my life I genuinely felt bad for causing trouble.

She quickly gave me a hug and quick peck "it's ok y/n it's not your fault and let's hurry before the snape guy hands us over to voldy moldy" she said as we were now speed walking towards his offuce

Wait she also knew he was a death eater previously before I could ask her the door to his office swings open. Oh shit we screwed ASFFFFF we both entered.

"Umm howdy professor" I said in a sarcastic cheery tone bahahahahah I love doing this seeing him get frustrated makes me happy.

"MISS L/N AND MISS RUHAN WHO GAVE YOU BOTH THE RIGHT TO LIE TO ME STRAIGHT TO MY FACE"he bellowed priti looked terrified but not me I am a l/n daughter of 2 mighty fearless cunning witches also Im trying my best not to laugh this is your problem y/n you can't keep a straight fucking face just like your sexuality hehe.

"Look prof i can't lie facing your ass so I lied to your face also I think actually I know that we you didn't deserve our free classes anyway they were pretty undeserved we didn't even do anything sir" I said without hesitation (cuz I won't hesitate to smile when you suffocate and die and what a lovely time it would surely be so bite your tongue and CHOKE yourself to sleep hehe sorry had to get that song out) Priti looked at me shocked but I could see a grin form

"Yes professor I think likewise" she said boldly HELL YEAH BITCHES GO PRITI GO PRITI

The expression on snape's face was worth seeing he looked furious shocked with a hint of disappointment BAHAHAHAHA it was kinda funny too me and priti looked at each other waiting for him to reply

" Talking back to a teacher ditching my class lying to a professor tsk tsk I expected more of you both 30 points from hufflepuff and 20 points from slytherin" he sneered before any of us could answer he continued "now you both won't mind if I asked both of your parents to talk about your behavior miss
l/n and miss ruhan" he questioned us with a twisted look on his face I'll break his face for sure.

I glanced over at priti she looked confident I gave her look basically making sure she was ok with whatever I was gonna say she nodded as if she read my mind
"No professor not one bit you can tell them to even come here right now" I sneered back quickly looking back at priti once again she smiled so did I. I could see snape getting more and more mad that we weren't intimidated "as you both wish insolent little girls" he said

"So if you're done with us we're leaving we have more important things to do then be here and waste our time. Because none of this is our fault tell us when our parents are here" I said while grabbing pri's arm and leaving his office

Third person pov:
Snape stood there his mouth gaped how could these 16 year olds have the courage to say that. This never happened before he always knew how to intimidate people BUT these 2 teens were from another world.

Mean while in the hallways the 2 girls were laughing there asses offff both of them couldn't keep it in it was just to funny his expressions changing and him not expecting them to talk back. While they just walked out like nothing happened "I don't think he'll have the guts to call our parents here" y/n said practically out of breath from laughing "even if he does no one is gonna do anything we're both from rich pureblood slytherin families" she replied also controlling her laughs there was a bit of arrogance in her tone y/n could sense it but didn't bother to say anything about it "you're right pri put him in his place" y/n said "bitch we better get going" priti exclaimed "nuh uh" y/n said "perfect time to sneak out onto the ground" y/n said "aren't we in enough trouble for the day? And what if filch catches us" Priti questioned  sarcastically "oh c'mon we'll obliviate him and petrify him for some time then" y/n said giving priti a mischievous grin "you know what I'm in" priti said

An//: hey my beautiful bitches how y'all doing here's a little chapter I'll update soon also gtfo and eat something you deserve it

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