I'm the fucking supreme

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A/n: this is a long ass chapter bear with me guys.

The next day I woke up I had a date with one of the slytherin girls fuck omg I have to get my suit ready I'm more of a classy date kinda gal I'll go in one of my free periods to hogesmade honestly I wanted to impress priti she was really pretty also she was indian lol she didn't mind that her date was a half pakistani at least we can talk in our languages. (Fun fact hindi the language of India and urdu the language of pakistan Is almost the same just written differently)

I got ready.  ( ok but like guys WOMEN IN SUITSSSS)(the outfit for the date btw this isn't exactly what I thought but ok with a black dress shirt in also the blazer would be open)

  ( ok but like guys WOMEN IN SUITSSSS)(the outfit for the date btw this isn't exactly what I thought but ok with a black dress shirt in also the blazer would be open)

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(Btw y'all can buy these on etsy)

Me and priti’s schedule was almost the same and luckily our second and third lesson were free that right after professor crooked nose’s class. I arrived at potions class a little early to save priti a seat that’s how we became friends in 5th year she was really intelligent and also very pretty she had pretty black hair green piercing eyes a very beautiful smile also a very understanding and good friend I had a little itty bitty big ass crush on her so I asked her out and luckily she said yes I didn’t notice I was zoned out and standing at the entrance of snape’s class thinking about her.

“I said you may sit down y/n” said the one and only dungeon bat in angered tone

‘Oh yeah sorry professor I will’ I said in my annoyingly happy tone again I know it bugged him so why not. Then I went to mine and priti’s usual spot and sat down.

Students started flooding in my eyes were looking for my date. I couldn’t find her non the less I still saved her the seat in hopes she’ll come in a little late. Snape told us to write 300 word essay on felix felicis and how it was made. I started writing but I was still waiting for priti about 10 minutes had passed she never misses classes especially potions cuz who would dare to that I kinda wanted to today to spend more time with priti but she would neverrrrrrr agree to it anyway we had 2 lessons to ourselves so no worries but where is this girl. Her best friend katy wasn’t here either.

15 minutes now passed where the hell is she I was starting to worried is she ok did something happen this is very unlikely of her right then she burst in with katy both clearly out of breath holy absolute hell priti’s black and green make up was looking gorgeous and her hair was in the prettiest bun

Third person pov:

“Would you mind telling us what were u two doing so important that you missed 15 minutes of my lesson hmm’’ questioned the potions master

“We were in the library and lost track of time professor snape” answered katy

“it wont happen again” said priti in a nervous voice

“very well go to your seats both of u and 10 points each from Slytherin and Gryffindor” Snape exclaimed

Priti quickly went and sat beside y/n (also ik yall reading y/n as yenn)

y/n pov:

“merlin’s beard you look stunning priti” I whispered shouted truthfully

“thanks and so do you simp” she also whispered , slightly blushing and giving me a little smirk.

“Excuse muah look whos talking” I said in a fake offended tone

“I aint a simp miss gurl” she said smirking again

“Am I not pretty enough for u” I said placing  a hand over my heart faking to be offended melo-dramatically

“Pffftttt not u sounding like a bottom” priti said teasingly

“I CERTAINLY AM NOT bitch I’ll top Dumbledore to prove it to u” I said still dramatic asf

She tried to control her laugh

“yes please peg me till I cum y/n im begging u I aint got dick since daddy grindlewald” I whispered imitating dumblewhore’s voice.

At this we both burst into laughter everybody looked at us like shocked as if they saw bloody trump in a slutty schoolgirl uniform sucking pence’s cock a doodle doo.

Professor. 10 points from Gryffindor walked more like glided towards us I wonder how he would look cat walking.

“Miss l/n would u care to explain why u two young ladies were laughing like maniacs” snape said angered

“ Chill profff besides u wont get it gurl” I said everyone

 once again looked in shock like someone electrified them

“ why would I not get it miss l/n and I am not a girl”he hissed at me pissed

“Cuz you wont boomer also ok no need to get offended I’ll call u a women not a girl” I said smirking at him

“ miss l/n you have no right to talk to a teacher like that detention for 2 months and 20 points from hufflepuff” he shouted this time and glided to his desk and sat down grading again damn this guy weird I just insulted his stubborn ass and he went back to emotionless so quick

I just shrugged and sat down the whole class staring at me including priti. But they quickly got back to work bcoz umm snaddy obviously would avada kedavra their asses bcoz he was furious 

‘There I saved u from getting detention or any points taken away” I said sassily too priti

Her mouth flew open then she gave me a smirk and said “ you’re one cheeky ass mf”

“Youre welcome” I gave her the smirk back

The rest of the lesson went in silence as we wrote our essays. Fuck snape tho.

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