Chapter 10: Break Up

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Just like every morning, I was eating breakfast with Henry. And like always, he likes to become a brick wall.

"So lovely weather isn't?" I sighed as he continued to eat. I was trying to find a topic that he would actually start talking. "What are you going to do about Nathan?"

He glared at me. "What about him?" He asked with a little sharpness to his tone.

"Isn't he the new competition and taking your fame away?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"What do you mean?! Last time you were barely in it!" I accidentally raised my voice.

Henry stood up and took his dishes to the sink. "You know there's limit editions of each models right?"

I hate it when I try to bring up something important and only resulting me being an idiot. "Hmph! I knew that. I was only testing you."

"Idiot. Hurry up or I'll leave you. " he said as he was about to leave the house.

"Hold on!" I yelled as I quickly putting the dish away and running to the car which he was already in.

"Now when people say 'can you be even slower?', they didn't intend it to be a challenge. " I hate his cold ass attitude.

"Well too bad. I already did." I said confidently as I crossed my legs.

"You're such an idiot." He sighed under his breath.

"And that's why I am so awesome." After I said that, he whack me in the head with a magazine.

"What the hell was that for!?"

"Just making sure if you had a brain or not." He smiled.

Then we shortly arrived at school. It feels like the girls becomes louder and louder each day. Honestly, none of them have a chance with Henry.

.......but yet again.....I don't either. I'm just being kidnapped because he's trying to get out of this arranged relationship with this other girl.

I got out of the car just to be only be pushed away by bunch of girls. As I fell to the ground, something weird didn't happen. Mary wasn't there to help me up.

Maybe she's not here today. Which is very strange because she really likes to come to school everyday. Oh well, I have to be my own best friend today.

I began walking down the halls to my locker until I heard someone from the nurse's office. I decided to be sneaky and see who it was.

I pressed against the wall and I put my ear on the door to hear and trying to recognize the voices.

"You're so pretty that I can't even take my eyes off of you," sounds like a familiar male voice. Not Henry... "and so cute. Are you single?"

"Y-yeah I am," giggled a girl voice.


"So I am. And I'm really into you," the male voice said.

Wait wait wait wait!

"But I'm really nothing special." Shyly said the girl.

Hold on! I know who-

"But you are. Do you want to be my partner?" Asked the male.


It's Mary and Nathan!! No. No no no. She can't be his partner!! Not her! She just can't!

I heard the early bell rang. Crap! I need to get to my class.

"Oh I should really get to my first period now. Bye Nathan. Oh! And here's my number." Mary said about to leave.

"Thanks. I'll text you tonight. Later."

Uh oh. Better run!

I began speed walking until....

"Hey! Kylee!" exclaimed Mary as she was coming out of the nurse's office.

"H-hey Mary."

"No Henry?" She teased as we were walking to class.

"No. We got separated, again. Oh and did you had something to do before the bell ring?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, about that....... I'll tell you later after school. " she smiled it off for me not to worry. Why is she hiding this? I wonder why?

"Okay? Is it something bad?"

"No, not really. But it would seem like it's something I wouldn't do....."

Why is she being very secretive around me?

"Alright? Anyways bye." I said to Mary as I entered into my class.

"Bye Kylee."


I was waiting for Henry or someone to pick me up after the bell rang like 30 minutes ago. I decided to call him but when I try to call him it just went straight to voice mail.

I gave out a sigh because I'm pretty sure I'm going to be out here for a long time if he's working right now. Then I saw Mary walking towards my direction.

"Hey Kylee, want to go to get something to eat?" Asked Mary.

I put my phone in my pocket and said, " Sure, got nothing else to do and I don't have ride."

We began walking as she started the conversation off with this, " So about that thing I was saying...... remember Nathan?" She questioned.

"Nathan Henderson?" I asked to make sure we're talking about the same person.

"Yes him."

"What about him?"

"So remember how he was looking for a partner?" she asked as she held out her words a little too long.

"Where's this getting to?"

"He asked me to be his! Isn't that wonderful?!" exclaimed Mary as she held her hands together.

Then I started getting worry. What if he tries to do something to her? Or make a huge lie and just have her to be hurt in the end?

"That's great. But aren't you worry?" I aksed.

"But aren't you happy for me?" She asked in a sad tone.

"Yes but I'm worried about you what I-"

"You have Henry! And I have Nathan! Stop being jealous! Just because he asked me and I accepted so don't be jealous!!" she screamed.

"Mary, qui-"

"No! I'm not going to lower my voice! You just don't want me to be better than you, right?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked to calm her down.

"You always get the center of attention while no one notices me. I'm tired of it. I just want some of that attention," she cried.

I started to feel guilty as I saw the tears roll down her soft cheeks. Then I began to remember all those times. I always get attention and she was just quiet and never talk. Even with teachers. They only pick me or talk to me first before her.


"Don't say it. Just go back with Henry. You just want to be around him. Not me....that's how it always is...."

"That's not true! I d-"

"No you don't! It's always 'but henry' 'Henry that'. Henry Henry Henry! Just don't talk to me anymore. Just don't even look at me! Erase everything! " then she stormed off crying as I was helpless there.

I'm so selfish. I couldn't even see my best friend's feeling and now she's gone. Now, how am I going to survive high school or even a day without Mary?

Right......All I have now is the person who started this......Henry Ashterson.

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